Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Fauci Admits Face Mask Theater

Fauci lost all credibility a year ago when he lied about the efficacy of face masks. When Fauci, a person we were supposed to rely on for the truth during the pandemic, bragged about intentionally lying to the American people, he became completely untrustworthy.

I've spent a year wearing cloth face coverings in public. They allegedly were keeping me safe and other safe from the virus. NONE of the face masks I wear would have been used by health care workers or first responders. Fauci undoubtedly kept millions of Americans from wearing masks in public for more than a month because of his lie, putting millions of Americans at risk.

Assuming these masks do what Fauci claims they do, how many people did Fauci kill by lying?

Fauci is a disgrace, a quack, a Democrat political hack, and a CCP mouthpiece.

Now, this liar admits that a fully vaccinated person wearing a face mask is theater, as Rand Paul noted.

Fauci doesn't base his "rulings" on science. He's a liar. The damage he's done to Americans is incalculable.

Fauci owes Rand Paul an apology. He owes all Americans an apology.

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