Wednesday, November 10, 2021

70% of Americans Have Climate Change Anxiety and Depression

Seventy percent? That's a lot.

I don't have any climate change anxiety or depression. Zero.

I care about the environment. I don't abuse or waste resources. I recycle. I'm not flying on private jets. I don't own multiple mansions. Actually, I don't own any.

I'm not worried about climate change at all.

We can't control the climate. We cannot control the planet or the sun.

The climate changes. That's why we have mountains and oceans and all the natural beauty of the world. The Alps or the Grand Canyon or the Niagara Escarpment didn't get here because the climate is stagnant.

The history of Earth is change.

We're not facing an existential crisis. The sky is not falling.

Do not deny science. Look around.

Calm down.

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