Friday, November 12, 2021

Evers Authorizes 500 National Guard Troops For Deployment in Kenosha

Tony Evers refused to protect the citizens of Wisconsin in 2020. He did nothing as rioters burned and looted Kenosha. He refused help from President Trump. Finally, TOO LATE, Evers accepted federal assistance.

The damage, disorder, and death could have been prevented but Evers didn't want to prevent it.

Of course, now he's happy to stoke tensions by tossing around the National Guard.

Evers did nothing for days in Kenosha in 2020 because the Democrats believed the rioting was politically advantageous for them.

Remember the crock narrative that peace would be restored with Biden as president? Cities were burning with President Trump and voting for Biden would make it all go away.

I hope the Biden voters realize how stupid they were to buy that.

I hope Tony Evers voters realize what a disaster Evers has been.

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