Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Biden in Delaware - Secret Service Has No Visitor Records

Biden has spent more than a quarter of his time in office at his Delaware mansions. Jen Psaki and Karine Jean-Pierre would always say the president is never really on vacation.

Then why don't the American people have access to records of what has gone on while Biden is allegedly serving the nation while in Delaware?

From FOX News:
The U.S. Secret Service insisted that no records exist of who President Biden has met with at his Delaware residences during his presidency, according to a report Wednesday.

The New York Post reported that it requested the information about who visited the president at his Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach homes as part of the Freedom of Information Act but had its appeal denied.

In a letter dated Sept. 27, Secret Service deputy director Faron Paramore wrote, "the agency conducted an additional search of relevant program offices for potentially responsive records," according to the paper.

"This search also produced no responsive records," the letter read. "Accordingly, your appeal is denied."
It appears the Secret Service is covering up for Biden and defrauding the American people.

Yet another taxpayer-funded government agency functioning to serve the political needs of Biden.

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