Tuesday, August 29, 2023

National Archives Has 5,400 Biden Pseudonym Emails

From Just the News:
The National Archives and Records Administration acknowledged possessing potentially up to 5,400 emails connected to then-Vice President Joe Biden's pseudonym accounts that he used to forward government information and discuss business with his son, Hunter Biden, and others, and on Monday the Southeastern Legal Foundation filed a lawsuit to compel the agency to turn over the emails.

The National Archives and Records Administration acknowledged possessing potentially up to 5,400 emails connected to then-Vice President Joe Biden's pseudonym accounts that he used to forward government information and discuss business with his son, Hunter Biden, and others, and on Monday the Southeastern Legal Foundation filed a lawsuit to compel the agency to turn over the emails.

The non-profit constitutional legal group that filed the lawsuit said the archives confirmed that Biden used the pseudonyms of Robin Ware, Robert L. Peters, and JRB Ware during his time in the Obama administration.

The archives' admissions confirm years of reporting from Just the News about Biden's use of a personal email as vice president and the pseudonym accounts he used.

...Earlier this month, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer asked the archives to turn over Biden's communications as vice president with his son and his business partners.
Biden is a crook. The National Archives shouldn't be acting as an accomplice in covering up his crimes.

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