Tuesday, September 5, 2023

GOP Primary Voters Don't Like Pence or Christie

From Breitbart:

Only three in ten Republican primary voters hold favorable views of former Vice President Mike Pence, earning him the second-worst rating of any Republican presidential candidate behind former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), according to a national poll.

The Wall Street Journal poll, conducted by Fabrizio, Lee, & Associated and GBAO, found that 63 percent of Republican primary voter respondents see Pence in an unfavorable light, including 36 percent who see him “very unfavorably.” Conversely, only 30 percent hold positive perceptions. In other words, his net rating among GOP voters is -33.

His favorability has dropped considerably since April’s Wall Street Journal poll, when 54 percent of the population saw him positively and 35 percent viewed him negatively. This marks a staggering 52-point swing in the wrong direction in five months’ time.

Former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), with a net favorability rating of -55 among Republicans, is in even worse shape than Pence. Only 18 percent view Christie in a positive light, while 73 percent disapprove of him.

Don't anger the base.

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