Friday, September 15, 2023

Randi Weingarten - School Choice and Segregationists

From the New York Post:
National teachers union boss Randi Weingarten likened the rhetoric of supporters of school choice and parental rights initiatives to that of segregationists, sparking an outcry from supporters of the movements.

The explosive comparison of Jim Crow-era racists to modern-day activists pushing for school districts to allow parents to have more input in their children’s education was made by the American Federation of Teachers president during a Tuesday interview with Northeastern University’s Burnes Center for Social Change senior fellow Seth D. Harris.

“The same kind of roots that happened in the aftermath of Brown v. Board, those same words that you heard, in terms of wanting segregation, post Brown v. Board of Education, those same words you hear today,” Weingarten, 65, said in response to a question about the differences in the political discussion surrounding schools now compared to the 20th century.

“I was kind of gobsmacked when I was talking to Southern Poverty Law Center, and they showed me the same words: choice’, ‘parental rights’ and attempts to divide parents versus teachers, and at that point, it was white parents versus other parents. But it’s the same kind of words,” she added.
Democrat/Marxist/Leftist Randi Weingarten is really desperate to cry racism.

School Choice is the opposite of segregation. Parental rights have nothing to do with race.

Weingarten is against providing the best education for children. Pretty sick.

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