Saturday, September 16, 2023

RKF Jr. - Still No Secret Service Protection

From Breitbart:
An armed man was detained by security and later arrested by police before the start of an event with Democratic presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Friday evening with the Hispanic community in Los Angeles.

According to sources, the man arrived at the event and claimed to be employed by the organizers. Campaign security officials, however, did not recognize him, and detained him until police arrived.

The man was found to be carrying a handgun and ammunition. He will likely face charges of impersonating a police officer or federal agent, and possibly unlawful possession of firearms, according to Breitbart News sources.

...In July, Kennedy noted that the Biden administration had denied him Secret Service protection, despite the fact that he had requested it from the Department of Homeland Security, and had extensively documented the need for it.
The Biden Regime's denial of Secret Service protection for RFK Jr. is stunningly irresponsible.

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