Monday, February 12, 2024

Biden's Super Bowl Comments

From the Babylon Bee:
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Despite a variety of pressing matters demanding his attention both domestically and abroad, President Joe Biden told reporters he's looking forward to a great Super Bowl tonight.

Addressing members of the media on Monday morning following a weekend of growing concerns over his mental competency, Biden shrugged off the criticism and expressed his excitement to watch the big game tonight.

"Looks like it's going to be a good one, folks," Biden said. "I was just talking to my good friend Vince Lombardi last week, and he said this Super Bowl would go right down to the final minute. On one side, you have the San Diego 76ers. They were really something back in the 80s. They had Jim Montana. And on the other side, you have the Kansas City… the Kansas City… the… the Kansas… those fellas. Their quarterback is half-colored. Mixed. Mahorne. Anyway... I can't wait to see the game."

Biden is unfit to serve as president.

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