Friday, February 16, 2024

Funeral of Cecilia Gentili - Transgender, Atheist, Prostitute - at St. Patrick's Cathedral

I would like to hear what Cardinal Dolan has to say about this.

"Ave Cecilia"?

"St. Cecilia, mother of all whores"?

This is a mockery of the Catholic Church in a cathedral.

It's an affront to the faithful. Apparently, the funeral was arranged through deception.
Per NYT: "Ceyenne Doroshow, who organized the funeral, said friends of Ms. Gentili — who died on Feb. 6 at 52 — had wanted the service to be at St. Patrick’s because “it is an icon, just like her.” But she added that she had not mentioned that Ms. Gentili was transgender when planning with the church. “I kind of kept it under wraps,” she said."
This doesn't appear to be a Catholic funeral. It's more of a protest against the Catholic Church.

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