Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Biden: No Debate Audiences

Biden's handlers know the Big Guy would be met with pro-Hamas protesters and chants of "Genocide Joe." Maybe a few "Let's go Brandon" shouts would be thrown Biden's way as well. Add in the understandable outrage of Gold Star families and families of victims of Biden's Border Bloodbath. Without question, an audience would hurt Biden.

Let's face it. Americans do not like Biden. The anger for what he's done to the American people would likely boil over when he'd toss out his despicable lie after lie.

Biden gets spooked when met by protesters. President Trump handles disruptions masterfully, with strength and humor. Biden just stares like a deer in the headlights.

President Trump would probably receive boisterous cheers and laughter at Biden's expense.

Also, Biden might drag out his demented line, "Don't jump." Even without an audience, he might tell the moderators not to jump.

Of course, Biden handlers are trying to protect the doddering, perpetually confused Biden. He's a mess and it will show.

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