Thursday, June 6, 2024

Biden Has Never Met His 5-Year-Old Granddaughter

From the New York Post:
Lunden Roberts — the mother of the 5-year-old granddaughter President Joe Biden has yet to meet — revealed that she considered suicide when pregnant with Hunter Biden’s baby while he was in the throes of serious drug addiction.

The 33-year-old spoke exclusively with Piers Morgan for a new episode of his show “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” premiering on YouTube Thursday at 3 p.m. ET.

President Biden’s son, now 54, initially refused to acknowledge the existence of Navy Joan, who was born in 2018 following his months-long affair with Roberts.

While, Roberts said, Hunter and the child have been “building a relationship” on Zoom, no one else in the Biden family, including the president and First Lady Jill Biden, have personally met the little girl.
Biden and Jill continue to shun their granddaughter.

What cold, callous, calculating people!

It's hard to know if dementia-riddled Biden is capable of retaining the fact that he has a 5-year-old granddaughter he's NEVER met, but Jill knows. She knows they are not acknowledging Navy Joan's existence.

The Bidens claim to be so proud of Hunter. They claim to be loving parents and grandparents.

What they say doesn't match what they do.

This is a character issue. Before allegedly trying to heal the soul of the nation, they need to heal their own souls. They are a mess.

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