Thursday, July 25, 2024

Biden's Painful Address to the Nation

Biden's speech was a painful exhibition. I suppose he/his puppet masters wanted to deliver an address for posterity and all, but it was just sad.

His slurring is getting worse. He's becoming weaker with each passing week. He read the teleprompter, as best he could, which is not good.

Biden didn't offer any information as to why he changed his mind about running for reelection. In a matter of hours over the weekend, he went from insisting he was in it to win it to quitting. Americans deserve an explanation. The guy does work for us.

There was nothing memorable in Biden's speech, delivering no new information whatsoever about his about-face. He said nothing profound. This was no insight to be gained by the people. In short, it was an entirely unnecessary exercise. It was an insult.

I got the feeling Biden was bound by a nondisclosure agreement and he didn't want to forfeit the cash and other benefits he received in the settlement. Biden's words were shallow. He didn't look sincere. He delivered his remarks with his customary emptiness. His unusual and disturbingly orange spray tan, the new look he has donned since his disastrous debate, provided the exclamation point to Biden's lame duck status, capping his fraudulent tenure.

It's fitting that the Biden presidency hoax would near its end shrouded in more lies and darkness. Biden's surrender speech is just another lie we're expected to swallow, another aspect of the coup cover-up.

Biden's presidency began steeped in corruption and it's ending the same way.

And yet, after all this, the question remains: Who is running country?

I want names.

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