Sunday, September 8, 2024

Kamala Goes to Penzeys!

Kamala Harris took a break from Debate Boot Camp and went shopping at Penzeys yesterday, perhaps the business that is the most hateful, divisive, ugly operation in the country.

Penzeys is headquartered in Wisconsin. As a Wisconsin resident, I have had years of misfortune hearing Bill Penzey spew his unhinged hate throughout the land.

Kamala and her puppet masters, in all their stunning incompetence, chose Penzeys to preach that it's "time to turn the page on the divisiveness. It's time to bring our country together. Chart a new way forward."


That is remarkable, off-the-charts BS coming from Kamala, and delivered in PENZEYS!

I didn't know there was a Penzeys in Pittsburgh. I couldn't believe Kamala staged a little event there.

True, Kamala's choice of venue allowed Bill Penzey to make real his ultimate fantasy, but it was an idiotic move of epic proportion.

The Harris team chose one of the worst places to have Kamala surface after days and days of embarrassing debate prep.
Kamala will be cooking with the products of amazing hate, not a wholesome, family-friendly image at all. I don't think basting in hate speech is a good idea.

Penzeys website features a hate page, "About Republicans," right under "About Us."

Visit a few of the many past posts exposing the hateful, divisive philosophy of Bill Penzey. Keep in mind that Kamala and her puppet masters chose this business as the spot for her to highlight her message of alleged unity.

Penzeys Spices - Boycott

Penzey Calls Scott Walker and His Supporters Segregationists, Racists

Bill Penzey Note: Back to School 2014

Bill Penzey - Pi Day, Scott Walker, Evolution

Bill Penzey: "Cooking Trumps Racism"

Bill Penzey Email: Art of Hope - Cooking Trumps Racism

Bill Penzey's Letter to America's CEOs

Penzey Email: Women's March

Bill Penzey's Easter Message

Bill Penzey: Trump Voters Are Racists

Don't buy Penzeys spices.

Don't vote for Kamala Harris.

Don't endorse the divisive derangement of the Left.

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