Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Merrick Garland Yaps About Russia and 'Bogus' News Stories

Merrick Garland is hyping foreign influence and disinformation in our elections.

What a load!

Russia, Iran, China, blah, blah, blah.

Without a doubt, the biggest threat to our democracy and our elections comes from domestic bad actors.

U.S. media outlets spread lies to influence the outcome of elections. The U.S. intelligence community succeeded in overthrowing the 2020 election by lying about Hunter Biden's laptop.

Garland is a Democrat political hack. Hearing this guy talk about protecting democracy is a joke. He has weaponized the Department of Justice to attack Americans. He has tortured Americans, holding them as political prisoners. He has targeted Catholics and concerned parents.

What's the point of Garland's screed?

He's laying the groundwork to censor Americans.

Spare me the crap about protecting democracy.

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