Thursday, January 16, 2025

Washington Post Cartoonist Arrested - Possession of Child Pornography

From ZeroHedge:
A prominent California-based comic strip creator, cartoonist and author has been arrested on suspicion of possession and creating child pornography. The incident is added to a growing list of arrests of establishment news employees and syndicated content creators for child abuse in the past couple of years.

Darrin Bell, 49, who is the first Black American winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning, was arrested Wednesday morning at his south Sacramento home by Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office investigators. Deputies had served a search warrant against Bell following an investigation by the Sacramento Valley Internet Crimes Against Children Detectives task force.

In a search of Bell's home, investigators found 134 videos of child pornography linked to an account owned and controlled by Bell as well as computer generated/artificial intelligence child pornography, authorities said.

Darrin Bell is best known for his Candorville comic strips and other work published by the Washington Post injecting far-left ideology, race grifting, pro-illegal immigration views and LGBT issues into his content. He is decidedly anti-Trump and anti-conservative. Bell often attacked conservatives who dared to criticize the political left's habit of child grooming; from ideological grooming to sexualized grooming. He commonly compared conservatives to Nazis in reaction to the removal of sexualized gender propaganda in public school libraries.
When people support perversion and crime, it could be because they're involved with perversion and crime.

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