Saturday, March 26, 2005

Judicial Tyranny: A Family's Anguish


...After Friday's appellate court ruling, Schiavo's parents again pleaded with Gov. Jeb Bush to intervene by taking temporary custody of their daughter while court challenges are argued.

"With the stroke of his pen, he could stop this," Bob Schindler said. "He's put Terri through a week of hell and my family though a week of hell. I implore him to put a stop to this. He has to stop it. This is judicial homicide."

Bush said Thursday he is not willing to go beyond the boundaries of his powers. He has been a staunch supporter of the Schindlers, and his office was still clinging to hope Friday that the courts would allow the state to provide emergency care for Schiavo.

"We are continuing to do whatever we can, and we are pursuing all the options available to us in this case," Bush spokesman Jacob DiPietre said.

Michael Schiavo's attorney also rejected arguments that Bush could overturn years of court orders in the husband's favor.

Checks and Balances.

Weren't they meant to keep one branch of the government from becoming too powerful and usurping control?

Isn't their purpose to ensure justice and carrying out the will of the people?

At present, the judicial branch is dictatorial. The scales of justice are woefully out of balance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can just see the pain on their faces - the helplessness