Friday, April 8, 2005

The Minuteman Project

The Minuteman Project calls itself a "citizens' neighborhood watch along our border."

They claim to be "Americans doing the jobs Congress won't do, by operating within the law to support enforcement of the law."

President Bush called them "vigilantes."

Technically, the term would apply to participants in the Minuteman Project, since it is derived from the Latin word meaning to be watchful.

Of course, "vigilante" has a negative connotation, taking the law into one's own hands. President Bush was condemning the group, not supporting their "watchfulness."

Exactly what do participants do?

Their website says:

Volunteers, in groups of four to eight persons, will set up observation posts and also walk patrols in areas known to be pathways of illegal entry into the US. At least one person with prior experience will accompany these observation posts. Some of these posts and patrols will be right on the US-Mexico border, or within several hundred yards of it.

Other observation points will be two miles or more north of the border. The locations will vary, depending on intelligence reports that the MMProject will gather prior to, and during, the April mission.

When intruders are spotted, USBP agents will be summoned by cell phone. The MMProject communication center should also be notified at this time via cell phone or pre-established short wave radio systems that will be available on April 1. The intruders will be followed until USBP shows up to intercept and apprehend them.

No "hostile" confrontation with intruders will be allowed. The MMProject participants will only "spot and report", the USBP takes it from there.

If the intruders move through your ranks, you let them pass. You may continue to follow them and provide USBP and the MMProject communication center with updates of the location of the intruders. You do not threaten them in any manner. If they are in need of food or water, you may provide some. If they are in need of medical attention, you inform USBP of their need for medical attention. Under no circumstances are you to engage in argumentative or hostile confrontation with any illegal alien. You back off, and let the USBP properly conduct the interception and apprehension of the illegal aliens.

The members of the Minuteman Project are to follow a "no contact, no engagement" policy. In sum, they are simply reporting illegal behavior to the proper authorities, the U.S. Border Patrol.

I fail to see how the actions of this organization are any different from what neighborhood block watch groups do throughout the country.

Participants in these groups are not considered vigilantes.

They are considered good citizens.

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