Wednesday, June 21, 2006


So long, Danny boy.

CBS issued a press release to mark the occasion.

Sean McManus, president of CBS News and Sports, said:

"Of all the famous names associated with CBS News, the biggest and brightest on the marquee are Murrow, Cronkite and Rather. With the utmost respect, we mark the extraordinary and singular role Dan has played in writing the script of not only CBS News, but of broadcast journalism."

Read Dan Rather's press release.
I appreciate the words and gestures contained in today's press release by CBS.

I leave CBS News with tremendous memories. But I leave now most of all with the desire to once again do regular, meaningful reporting. My departure before the term of my contract represents CBS's final acknowledgement, after a protracted struggle, that they had not lived up to their obligation to allow me to do substantive work there. As for their offers of a future with only an office but no assignments, it just isn't in me to sit around doing nothing. So I will do the work I love elsewhere, and I look forward to sharing details about that soon.

As I go about deciding where and with whom that can best be done, I want to say how grateful I am to have worked with so many outstanding CBS men and women over the years. From producers, to correspondents, to technical crews, it has been my great fortune to have had some of the best pros in journalism at my back and at my side. They are the true heart of CBS News, and they will always have my respect.

Too much is made of anchors and their personalities, their ups and downs. The larger issues—the role of a free press and of honest, real news in a democracy, the role of technology in supporting a free press, the "corporatization" of news and its effects on news content—all deserve more attention, more discussion and more passionate debate.

I'll see you soon.

Poor Dan.

It wasn't exactly an amicable split, was it?

As Dan said, "If you try to read the tea leaves before the cup is done you can get yourself burned."

Does that "Ratherism" apply?

Maybe this one is better.

"We used to say if a frog had side pockets, he'd carry a handgun."

Courage, Dan. Courage.


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