Friday, July 28, 2006

Forced Celibacy

This is not a summer of hyped news stories.

It's not a summer of shark attacks, or missing persons, or O.J.

This summer, we're talking about things such as the upcoming elections and, depending on how you view things, the upcoming or ongoing World War III.

So, on this Friday, let's take a break from the heavy stuff.

Poison Pero points out this story:

Rahul Bedi reports from New Delhi that there's "Anger at 'single sex' zoos."

He writes:

India's Supreme Court has demanded a report from the environment ministry on the shortage of mates for animals in 163 zoos across the country.

Responding to a petition filed by the People for Ethical Treatment to Animals (Peta), the court wants to know why more than 500 chimpanzees, beavers, gorillas, gibbons, zebras and even love birds are living in "forced celibacy".

Peta has claimed that the enforced sexual abstinence amongst the country's zoo animals was not only unnatural, but also contravened federal law that state zoos must enable their exhibits to exist in "viable social" groups.

So, India's Supreme Court is upset about the lack of sex in zoos.

Why is it assumed that the animals are being forced into celibacy?

Animals will adapt to conditions. If sex is so important to them, I'm sure they'll figure out that an alternative lifestyle is an option.

If not, they can channel their energies into something else and make celibacy work for them.

What's the problem with a single sex zoo?

Does PETA frown on alternative relationships for animals?

Does PETA have a homophobic streak?

Animals should have the same options as people, right?

For the record, I do think zoo animals should have a choice of mates.

Generally speaking, I think mates are a good thing.


RJay said...

I'm upset too. :-(((

Poison Pero said...

Like I said, I think environMENTALISTS should be put in the cages with their favorite animals:)

Mary said...


I love animals (in a socially and morally acceptable manner, of course).