Thursday, July 27, 2006

It's Stem Cells, Stupid

Stem cell research continues to play a dominant role in the Wisconsin governor's race.

There are other issues -- jobs, taxes, crime, CORRUPTION IN GOVERNMENT. Nonetheless, Doyle wants to make this race about stem cell research.

Jim Doyle's ad
"Six Times" has prompted back and forth shots between the Doyle campaign and Mark Green.

In "Six Times," via Jody Montgomery, mother of Maddy, a four-year-old with diabetes, the Doyle campaign makes the ridiculous claim that Green wants to shut down stem cell research.

In an email interview, Green said this is what he would tell the girl, if he could speak to her one-on-one:

"First off, I'd tell her that I've been working for eight years to make sure medical research funding is a top priority for the federal government. I'd tell her that with my help we've doubled funding on diabetes research, so that we are now spending over $1 billion every year to try and find treatments and cures for diabetes.

"But, mostly, I'd tell her that I hope and pray every day that we'll find a cure for juvenile diabetes -- and all the other diseases that touch so many Wisconsin families, mine included.

"More than any political title I have, I'm a dad. My kids mean more to me than anything else. So, I understand why that mom wants to do anything she can to help her daughter get well. If they'd take a closer look at my record and get to know me, I think she'd find out that I am much more of an ally than I am a foe."

In response, the Doyle campaign issued this press release.

Today, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is reporting that Mark Green told them what he would say to Maddy Montgomery, a four-year-old girl with juvenile diabetes, who appears in a Doyle campaign television spot about stem cell research.

Maddy’s mom Jody released the following statement, through the Doyle campaign:

“I’m just a mom who is looking out for my daughter’s health. I don’t want to get into a war of words with a Washington politician. It’s pretty simple to me. Actions speak louder than words.

“And that’s really all that Mark Green has to offer my daughter – words. Mark Green says he stands for stem cell research, but all he’s done is stand in the way of a cure for my daughter.

“Any parent whose child has juvenile diabetes knows that Mark Green’s support of President Bush’s veto of legislation that would have done wonders for stem cell research, and all of the other votes and things that he has said in opposition to stem cell research, knows full well that he doesn’t believe in stem cell research and wants to put a stop to it.”

“When Mark Green stands here in Wisconsin saying he’s for stem cell research and then flies right back to Washington to vote against it again and again, I know he’s not being straight with us, and he’s not standing up for us.”

Do you think that Jody Montgomery wrote that statement herself?

It's possible, if she's a paid campaign staffer for Doyle.

Montgomery is an adult. She obviously has no problem being exploited by the Doyle campaign; but this "I'm just a mom" stuff doesn't fly.

"I don’t want to get into a war of words with a Washington politician."

Give me a break!

It's horrible that Maddy has diabetes, but there's good news.

Research at the University of Florida reveals that ADULT STEM CELLS show promise in the treatment of diabetes.

That's the sort of research and treatment that Mark Green supports. If Green had his way, little Maddy wouldn't have to have her blood tested six times daily. Green backs the sort of research that's getting results.

I'm sorry that Jody Montgomery's daughter has diabetes, but that doesn't give her the right to lie about Mark Green.


Poison Pero said...

I don't come at this issue from a religious angle, I just don't want to see the Mengelians opening "fetus coops".

And you know they would if they could.......And they'd love nothing more than to be able to do it on the public's dime.

Bunch of degenerates.

Mary said...

I don't think you're alone, Pero.

The assumption is that you have to be some sort of religious extremist to oppose the "fetus coops."

That's not the case.

And you mention the public's dime--

Let the private sector do the embryonic stem cell research.

Those big bad drug companies can pour all the dollars they want into research.

If embryonic stem cells hold such promise, why aren't those money-hungry corporations tripping over themselves, going after all those cures and potential profits?

WI Catholic said...

Missed this one also, and am also putting it on my blog.

Mary said...

I understand Jody Montgomery's hope that a cure be found for her daughter.

Unfortunately, by appearing in the commercial and issuing her statement, she's allowing her little girl to be used as a political pawn.

The ad and Montgomery's statement is a lie.

Lies won't help her daughter.

Luminaria2112 said...

Exactly - if there was so much to be gained from embryonic stem cell research, then why aren't private companies tripping all over themselves to go for it. It's just SOME of the federal funding that's limited here. No private funding is limited. They can do what they want. If they saw profit it it, do you think they'd pass it up?

I don't think they want to go all Mengele either.... "but sir, it was legal and we were researching such gooooddd things.... for the sake of humanity.... "

Mary said...


I think you're right.