Saturday, May 19, 2007

Fred Thompson Needs a Spine

Fred Thompson has been teasing conservatives for over two months now.

On March 11 during an
interview on FOX News Sunday, Thompson declared that he was considering running for president in 2008.

Question to Thompson:


I'm sick of the dance. Thompson should jump in NOW if he's serious about getting in the race.

With each day that passes, I think he's losing credibility. He appears more like publicity addict Donald Trump than a presidential contender.

Enough with the teasing!

It's certainly getting him a lot of attention. Since he dangled his hat above the ring, the media and the public in general care about what he has to say.

reaction to the immigration bill is news rather than just another column.

The same goes for everything else that he's commented on since he suggested the possibility of a 2008 run.

In my opinion, this uncertainty has gone on for way, WAY too long.

At present, Thompson isn't acting like a leader. He's acting like a publicity hound.

He's acting like Newt Gingrich!

The "I'm not a presidential candidate; I just play one on TV" act isn't working.

This interminably long audition that Thompson chose to let drag on and on should be history.

My advice to Thompson:



More from Thompson.

So, I hear you all have been talking about me.

Good grief.

In Sunday's The Washington Post,
Liz Garrigan discusses the Fred Thompson allure.

She draws on what she calls a "boosterish book" by Steve Gill, The Fred Factor: How Fred Thompson May Change the Face of the '08 Campaign.

Gill, whose book argues that Thompson is the only candidate who could beat Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, predicts an announcement in June or July and says that Thompson is "moving toward" making the run. Thompson's recent announcement that he has lymphoma and is in remission is strong evidence that he's trying to head off any concerns about his health. "I don't think it's foregone. I think it's still just making the decision and engaging the prospect of whether he can win," Gill says.

Should Thompson announce, his general-election advantage is that he's not divisive. He doesn't evoke the kind of vitriolic hate that many other conservatives inspire. He's the kind of guy who could broker peace between Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell, someone who would bring red-state and blue-state America together.

Moreover, Thompson wouldn't be tarred with the Iraq war, and his many film and TV credits would buy him enough recognition to mitigate the fundraising disadvantage he would start with.

Of course, first he'd have to get through the primary. And as Cooper points out, that's the tough part: "He comes from the Howard Baker tradition, which is so moderate that they have had a tough time getting elected." And the rap on Thompson is that he's lazy, that he never worked as hard as his colleagues in the Senate. Even some of his supporters concede that's true. But what he lacks in that respect, even some Democrats say, he makes up for with his people-pleasing ability -- the Reagan factor -- and almost Clintonesque communication skills.

Gill believes that Thompson hasn't made a decision yet about running, though he thinks that Thompson will announce in June or July.


"I don't think it's foregone. I think it's still just making the decision and engaging the prospect of whether he can win," Gill says.

Yeah, take your time, Fred.


jeffmacguy said...


Chill out. He can't get in yet. He has contractual obligations that prevent him from entering the race. He'll get in at the proper time.

In the meantime, have a glass of wine and a lovely steak...

Pete Fanning said...

Gotta agree with Jeff on this one Mary.....his contract with Law and Order doesn't expire until the end of May (if what I've been reading is true). From what I've been told he wants to let these obligations expire before making anything official.

Mary said...

Contractual obligations???

There's something in his contract that says he can't at least state his intention to run for president?

If Thompson has a legitimate contractual reason for waiting to launch a campaign, that doesn't prevent him from saying he intends to seek the presidency.

His Law and Order ties certainly didn't stop him from actually serving in a political capacity before, like when he was adviser to John Roberts during the Supreme Court nomination process.

The contract stuff is ridiculous, though a glass of wine and a steak later would be a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Serious question: Wouldn't other candidates insist on the same amount of screen time that Thompson gets from NBC?

Naturally, NBC will be giving the Dhimmis all the screen time they could ask for, but that's just in the nightly news. :)

Winghunter said...

Here's another application for campaign manager Mary. The last one must have got lost in the mail....honest.

For good measure, we've included a declaration of intention to run so you can make all those decisions for yourself.

Run, it's Mary, RUN!!

Anonymous said...

According to FCC regulations, if Thompson announced now, NBC would have to cede equal time to all of his potential rivals. That means an hour a week of Ron Paul, plus a 2 hour movie at the end of the month.
Also, if he announced early, he would be costing lots of people money, because everything would have to be pulled from network television. That would cost many people their jobs, or lots of money, that would go to staff and minor cast members who are not as well off as the actors themselves.
Please read up on these things before you question a man's backbone.

Anonymous said...

Let me rephrase that. An hour a week of Ron Paul in PRIMETIME.

Anonymous said...

"It's certainly getting him a lot of attention. Since he dangled his hat above the ring, the media and the public in general care about what he has to say."

Could be another reason for not announcing Mary...the time is soon, so relax a bit

Mary said...

OK, maybe saying Thompson needs a spine is too harsh, but I think my underlying point is valid.

I'm tired of his not-running running.

As far as the FCC goes, the equal time regulation is a joke. Not only has it been applied unevenly, the fact that cable is completely exempt from the equal time constraints further reveals it to be a total crock.

If any Republican candidate were to challenge Thompson's time on the air in acting roles, perhaps the lame FCC rule would finally be eliminated.

Even if the equal time rule were applied, it would only be for the amount of time that Thompson is on screen, and not for an entire episode of Law and Order, or whatever. That wouldn't mean an hour a week of Ron Paul in PRIMETIME; and it certainly wouldn't "cost many people their jobs."

The exact amount of minutes of Thompson's airtime would have to be tallied. What if he's off screen, but his voice is heard? Would that count? What if he's barely visible, in the background?

It would be a nightmare to enforce.

I don't know why Thompson is waiting to announce but I don't think it's about equal time or his contract.

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

Didn't Law & Order announce that Thompson would not be returning for a new season?

Daniel said...

I always find comments like yours rather amusing. You're all impatient and bothered because Fred Thompson hasn't yet officially announced for President eighteen months before the election. And why should Thompson care that you and a few other people are so impatient?

The fact is that his unofficial campaign is getting millions of dollars of free (and highly favorable) publicity without spending a dime. He's getting huge buzz around the blogosphere and even the mainstream media (as evidenced by the Washington Post article and others). There's a widespread grassroots draft-Fred movement which gathers steam with every new video and ABC-radio commentary and blog-posting which he puts out.

Meanwhile millions of viewers continue to see Fred on his Law & Order program, and more will watch him in his upcoming HBO movie and in all the other old movies of his which keep popping up on TV. It's hard to imagine that his campaign could be doing any better than it is now if he decided to make an official announcement.

Again, why in the world would Fred want to pay attention to back-seat campaign drivers such as yourself?

Mary said...

Yes, WS.

Thompson said he won't be back for next season.

And Daniel,

Allow me to be blunt. Let me be Thompsonesque--

I don't for one moment believe that Thompson gives a rat's ass what I think.

I'm not a "back-seat campaign driver."

I'm just exercising my cherished right of free speech.

Daniel said...

Mary said:
"I don't for one moment believe that Thompson gives a rat's ass what I think.
I'm not a "back-seat campaign driver."
I'm just exercising my cherished right of free speech."

Fair enough, Mary. But your original post was pretty emphatic:

"This interminably long audition that Thompson chose to let drag on and on should be history.
My advice to Thompson:

If you want to blow off some steam, well, that's what blogs are for. I happen to disagree with your advice, and I find it rather amusing that so many people are so impatient for Fred to officially toss his hat into the ring.

And of course Fred is going to do what Fred is going to do. He thinks he knows better what the political timing should be than you or the other people clamoring for an announcement. If he's right, then he's got an excellent chance of being the next President of the United States. If he's wrong, then it means his political judgement ain't up to snuff and therefore he probably wouldn't get elected anyway.

Mary said...

Did you miss my comment on this page, from 11:28 PM, May 19, 2007?

OK, maybe saying Thompson needs a spine is too harsh, but I think my underlying point is valid.

I'm tired of his not-running running.

If my original post did warrant a "Meeeoooowwwww...Chill out," I've already clarified and tempered it.

For me, there's something insincere about Thompson's posturing.

Personally, I think it's a mistake for him to not be forthcoming about his plans.

That's my reaction to the way he's handled the time since he first excited the conservative masses on March 11.

Plain and simple. Just my opinion.