Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bill Broydrick, Hillary Clinton, and the D.C. Madam

Wisconsin's own D.C. Madam connection, Bill Broydrick, has a connection to presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton.

Leading Wisconsinites Endorsing Hillary Today:

* Kathleen Falk, Dane County Executive
* Matt Flynn, Former Chair of the Wisconsin Democratic Party, Milwaukee Attorney
* Tom Loftus, Former Speaker of the Wisconsin Assembly and Ambassador to Norway
* Nancy Nusbaum, Former Brown County Executive and Mayor of DePere
* Brady Williamson, Madison Attorney
* Georgia Duerst-Lahti, Beloit College Professor, Commentator
* Kate Peyton, Activist and Organizer
* Jackie Boynton, Founder, Women's Choice, Milwaukee Attorney
* Karen Campbell, Milwaukee Community Leader
* Heather Colburn, Interim Director, FAIR Wisconsin
* Janis Ringhand, Former Evansville Mayor
* Bill Broydrick, Former State Assembly Member, Founder Broydrick & Associates

Perhaps the "Hillary Clinton 4 Election 2008" website should start a new list:

"Leading Wisconsinites on the D.C. Madam's Phone List Endorsing Hillary Today"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um huh? These pervert dems...!! ;)