Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul of Texas should drop out of the race immediately.
To say that he gives Republicans a bad name is the kindest thing that I can say about him.
Ron Paul is a conspiracy loon. He's joined the ranks of nutjobs like Kevin Barrett.
Paul claims that the country is in "great danger" of a terror attack staged by the government -- THE U.S. GOVERNMENT!!!
According to FOX News, Paul was short on specifics.
In addition to his insane conspiracy theory, he charged the Bush administration with making an "orchestrated effort to blame the Iranians" for everything that goes wrong in Iraq.
Bottom line: Ron Paul's talents are being wasted as a congressman and presidential candidate. He should teach at UW-Madison, where he'd be welcomed with open arms.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Conspiracy Nutjob Ron Paul
Posted by
7/14/2007 12:47:00 AM
Labels: Election 2008, Ron Paul, War on Terror
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I too am so sick of the Ron Paul fanatics, that treat him like a lefit candidate. He is an embarassement to the GOP... no actually and embarassement to politicians in general :). Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I am trying to get a conservative digg alternative going called GOP Hub ( Anything you can do to help get the word out would be awesome. Plus you can post links on it to any articles you write here on your blog. At any rate, have a great weekend and keep up the good work!
Are the ACLU and other civil liberty watchdogs also conspiracy theorists, as they imply in their actions that if allowed unchecked, government will break the law and abuse its' power?
Oh joy. Another paid hack trying to spread disinformation about the only candidate that does not represent corporate interests. Big surprise there.
And oh look, phoney posts by fictional people who appear to be Americans who hate a candidate that represents something other than corporate interests.
Now THAT'S believable. Really. I mean it.
Where's your creative side? If I paid you to write this type of stuff, I'd expect it to better written and more inspired, more convincing.
I'd fire you in a heartbeat and hire somebody who knew how to write something worth reading. This is garbage.
At least try to entertain us, at the very least.
One thing about you neocons, is that you really cling to shitty formulaic ways of doing things that don't work and are completely transparent. It takes bravery to be that lame. I commend you on your courage to be so consistently lame. I know I couldn't do that.
I don't know about this specific comment by Ron Paul. However, he has been more conservative than any other 'fake' conservatives who either lack the ability to think independently repeating 'republican' talking points OR represent big corporations!
The top three republican candidates are not an embarrassment? The 'shamnesty' guy, sweet-talking flip-flopper and abortion-guy??? Sure - it tells a lot about today's pathetic state of Republican party and how it has been hijacked by 'fake' conservatives who can't even think independently!!
The math is simple.
Risk = chance X cost
The cost is estremely high. Even a small chance can make the risk "great danger."
Normally, one would think the chance would be at 0.1% or maybe lower.
However, there are reasons to estimate the chance to be currently much higher.
1) Congress has allowed the power of the presidency to grow to unprecidented and unconstitutional power.
2) As Ron Paul mentioned, under this administration laws and procedures have been established that hurt Americans and especially their freedoms.
3) This administration has lied to go to war. History has shown that such behavior tends to grow.
So what is the chance? Is it 1%? Or is it 12%? Who knows, but it is high enough that the risk is at "great danger."
We, as citizens, must always do due diligence in the guarding of our freedoms, in holding those in office accountable. Ron Paul does not neglect this.
Ron Paul is irrelevant. No republican in his right mind would ever, ever support him. No worries, mate!
Mark if you assertion is correct than can you explain why Paul has more $ on hand than McCain? Someone must like the guy.
Even with very little money, Ron Paul has generated so much buzz, the 'fake' conservatives are really worried!! :)
I agree, Mark. No worries, but it's still troubling that he would say something like that.
To suggest that the U.S. government would stage an act of terror to kill Americans is just sick.
My God, that is sick beyond words. It really is.
Ron Paul is serving as a major league useful idiot and his followers are, too.
He's an absolute disgrace.
Really unbelievable.
Speaking of nuts, where is the topic on this site regarding quote from the Iraqi PM that US Forces can leave? I'm all for helping a friend, but you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you. Screw Iraq and bring our kids home if that's how they feel.
Congrats, Scary Mary, on making yourself look like a complete KOOK in your reckless, uncalled-for character assassination of Ron Paul. I'm not a big follower of his, but let me tell you, he as our president would be a hell of a lot better not only than any other conservative Republican, but than over half of the Democrats running. I'd rather have someone who'll shake things up in Washington.
And while we have it, let's keep the PATRIOT ACT while he's in the Oval Office. Maybe he could use it against the idiots who actually believe that Saddam attacked the Twin Towers. It's bad enough we're a nation of idiots; can't we at least have someone who makes sense leading our country?
So have fun supporting such "conservative" ideals such as unnecessary foreign occupation and COMPLETE AMNESTY for illegal aliens. Most of the GOP candidates support those ideas. It's great to see you hoisted on your own petard by other conservatives!
"Scary Mary"?
Good grief. That's just weird.
I'm not engaging in character assassination. Ron Paul is engaging in character suicide.
We obviously have different definitions of "KOOK."
Ron Paul's assertion that there is a "great danger" that the U.S. government will stage a terror attack is what I call KOOKY. I call it disgusting, ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING.
Ron Paul is a disgrace. He's not fit to be President of the United States.
Moreover, no conservative is in favor of "COMPLETE AMNESTY" for illegals. I certainly don't support that.
AMEN! Ron Paul's fanbase might be a bunch of milita supporters (the ones who hate the government after Waco) and a bunch of tinfoil hat wearing loonies. He should go back to his log cabin and go poop in an outhouse.
As for Alex Jones, he is also a kook. He is also admired by the Milita Movement and his fellow kooks. He also thinks that pro wrestlers Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash (of the New World Order stable) are gonna take over the country as the New World Order!
Ron Paul attracts an interesting bunch of supporters. That's for sure.
First let's be honest. Listen to the interview and you'll notice Ron Paul NEVER said that the US Government will stage an attack, terrorist or otherwise, on America. It was suggested in Alex Jones' question, and mr. Paul answered IN GENERAL that the American People are in great danger because of their own government. Don't just shout whatever you read here or there: always check for yourself first and THINK before you shout... Mary! Oh, and i'm sorry for my bad English..: i'm just a stupid Dutch fellow :-)
Winston, I did listen to the interview. I heard exactly what he said.
You didn't read my post very well. I NEVER said that Paul announced the U.S. government WILL stage an attack.
I repeated what he did say, that the U.S. is in "great danger" of a staged attack. My post is very clear.
By the way, your ability to write well in English is better than many American public school-educated students.
One question: Why would a "stupid Dutch fellow" care about Ron Paul?
That strikes me as very odd.
It is not that far fetched. Google: Operation Northwoods.
Cuba isn't part of the United States.
"Mary said...
I agree, Mark. No worries, but it's still troubling that he would say something like that.
To suggest that the U.S. government would stage an act of terror to kill Americans is just sick.
My God, that is sick beyond words. It really is.
Ron Paul is serving as a major league useful idiot and his followers are, too.
He's an absolute disgrace.
Really unbelievable. "
Wow. Why is that sick? It's like, neoconservatives (read: anti-conservatives) think the government is holy, or something like that. Why, I have no idea. A verbal attack on the government amounts essentially to a hate-crime against the people of America, to them. What's sick is that you actually use that tactic, you try to make the government and people one, so that anything the government does becomes the "will of the people". True conservatives know that politics is full of self-serving bureaucrats and corporate interest, all playing a silly game of power. Ron Paul is the only candidate who wants to reduce the scope of government. Mainstream conservatives used to believe in that, but no more, Conservatives these days are just as liberal as any democrat.
ok MARY. lets get something cleared up right fucking now. You claim that America attacking itself is just sick right? Well that is one step closer to being a RP supporter! WE AGREE WITH YOU. it is sick isnt it?!!! Thats why we are so outraged, paranoid, and discriminated against. IT REALLY HAPPENED! BELIEVE IT. VOTE RON PAUL 2008 and join the revolution!
What is it about Ron Paul that brings out the foul-mouthed, crazed loons?
It's a stunning phenomenon.
Ron Paul is no "nutjob" and is a great American.
The good Congressman reminds me of Thomas Jefferson.
He will have my vote on November 4, 2008.
Whatever we think of Ron Paul or his supporters, this article mentions how much needed passion is being brought to politics by Ron Paul:
Why bother arguing with the armchair chickenhawk,cowardly, warmongering, bloodthirsty,inbred cheerleaders?
RP's anti Iraq occupation stance is unforgivable, and they'll lie, spin and smear him anyway they can.
RP is a threat to the NEOCON dream and it's supporters.
They can keep repeating the anti-Paul propaganda all they want. It's only resonating in their own camps.
Ron Paul is the only Republican running for President. You've taken Paul's words out of context. Taking people's words out of context is what conspiracy theorists do. That's what you are, my friend, a liberal conspiracy theorist.
You support the conspiracy theory that Iraq had WMD... The conspiracy theory that the 3rd world nation, Iran, is going to progress 50 years in technology in the very near future...
Please, go join the Democratic party, where Dennis Kucinich will welcome you with alien arms. You can talk about the things you imagine you see and hear all night, while Shirley McClain reads your chakras or w/e the hell you hippies call 'em.
You're doing it again -- flailing and attacking. Take a deep cleansing breath.
Your attacks on me are unwarranted.
Regarding taking Paul's comments out of context, listen to the interview. I'm not taking anything Paul said out of context.
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