Monday, November 26, 2007

Alleged Serial Rapist Arrested

A 22-year-old Milwaukee man suspected of raping eight young women and teens, ranging in age from 14 to 25, was arrested yesterday.

TMJ4 had an exclusive interview with one of the victims, a 15-year-old.

Her face wasn't shown for obvious reasons. She wasn't identified, but she spoke on camera.

She talked of her frightening ordeal. She went into detail about the assault. She said that she begged the rapist not to kill her. He told her to do what he said or he would kill her.

It was a terrifying story. She relayed how her heart was pounding.

When I saw the interview last evening, I thought the 15-year-old victim said that she kept thinking about her baby during the attack.

I could be mistaken, but I don't think so. I couldn't find video of the exclusive interview posted on TMJ4's site, which is a little strange.

At the time I first heard her speak, I was struck by the thought of this poor young girl being assaulted, such trauma and fear at such a young age. She's just a baby.

I was also struck by this teen girl being raped and pleading for her life, thinking about her baby as she was being brutalized.


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