Friday, May 16, 2008

Jeffery Stern Busted 7 Times

OCONOMOWOC -- This is the seventh time that Jeffery Stern has faced drunken driving charges, and the people who live in Oconomowoc say enough is enough.

...Stern already had six OWI convictions under his belt-dating back to 1992, when he was arrested in Oconomowoc for number seven.

...According to the latest criminal complaint, police spotted Stern near an intersection going 15 miles above the speed limit. When they arrested him, they say he his blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit.

...Change could be coming. Lawmakers are pushing a new law to that would hand drunk drivers automatic jail time with a third conviction- and take away their cars for good.

“We have to change the way we feel about drunken driving. The first second and third offenses need to be taken very seriously,” state Senator Alberta Darling said.

The question is, will that change come fast enough to get drivers like Stern off the road for good?

The Waukesha County DA supports tougher OWI laws, but he thinks the state should focus on more treatment programs instead of forcing more people into jail.

Seven times is insane.

These repeat offenders can get treatment from the state, from their jail cells.

They absolutely have to be taken off the streets. That's the priority, for the sake of the public's safety.

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