Friday, June 13, 2008

Town of Brookfield Chuck E. Cheese Goes Dry

There's an update to the Town of Brookfield Chuck E. Cheese's saga.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Chuck E. Cheese corporate officials have informed town officials that the restaurant on Blue Mound Road will voluntarily give up its liquor license, Town Administrator Richard Czopp said.

Officials received an e-mail Wednesday afternoon from CEC Entertainment Inc. stating its wish to withdraw its application to renew the liquor license, which expires June 30.

That's one day after corporate representatives traveled to Brookfield to discuss the town's concerns over police calls to the restaurant. The meeting with town officials never materialized on Tuesday, though, after a disagreement on the meeting place.

"It's a very good move on Chuck E. Cheese's part," Czopp said. "We're very happy about it and hopefully we won't have any more problems over there."

Obviously, Chuck E. Cheese had no choice. The restaurant was being threatened with having its liquor license revoked.

It's better for Chuck E. Cheese officials to voluntarily let it expire rather than fight to renew it.

I can understand why Czopp would be happy, but I wouldn't be sure that now they "won't have any more problems over there."

The report of "crack cocaine and syringes used to inject heroin that were found in the restroom" shows that the out of control adults hanging out at Chuck E. Cheese's weren't just behaving badly because of alcohol. However, hopefully the troublemakers will no longer be attracted to the place now that it won't be serving alcohol.

It's so sad to think that children are in the care of these people.

The Town of Brookfield has won a battle in dealing with the problems occurring "where a kid can be a kid." It remains to be seen if it has won the war.

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