Saturday, July 5, 2008

Reaction to Jesse Helms' Death

North Carolina Sen. Jesse Helms died on the Fourth of July, at age 86.

Not all reaction to Helm's passing was kind.

The Associated Press provides a list of some of the statements.



"Jesse Helms was a kind, decent, and humble man and a passionate defender of what he called "the Miracle of America." So it is fitting that this great patriot left us on the Fourth of July. He was once asked if he had any ambitions beyond the United States Senate. He replied: 'The only thing I am running for is the Kingdom of Heaven.' Today, Jesse Helms has finished the race, and we pray he finds comfort in the arms of the loving God he strove to serve throughout his life."

_ President Bush.

"Jesse Helms, my friend and long-time senator from my home state of North Carolina, was a man of consistent conviction to conservative ideals and courage to faithfully serve God and country based on principle, not popularity or politics. In the tradition of Presidents Jefferson, Adams and Monroe — who also passed on July 4th — it is fitting that such a patriot who fought for free markets and free people would die on Independence Day. As we celebrate the birth of our nation, I thank God for the blessings we enjoy, which Senator Helms worked so hard to preserve."

_ The Rev. Billy Graham.

Not so nice--
"At the height of his power, he fought for the values of the old confederacy. He resisted the new South. He resisted the opportunity to fight for a more perfect union."

_ The Rev. Jesse Jackson.

"Jesse Helms' legacy is one of hatred, homophobia and racism. Although not its intent, that legacy has made our community stronger and more able to forcefully respond to bigotry and prejudice. As a community, we are more committed than ever to securing full equality for all GLBT people."

_ Joe Solmonese, president of the Washington-based Human Rights Campaign.

I wonder if when Robert Byrd dies the AP will quote someone talking about Byrd's membership in the KKK or the fact that he voted against both of the African-Americans confirmed to serve as justices on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Or when Ted Kennedy dies, will the AP describe him as a polarizing figure or speak negatively of him as an unyielding liberal? Will Chappaquiddick be front and center in every obituary?

I highly doubt it. The press treats lib icons, and lesser libs as well, with respect and any blemishes are ignored or certainly not magnified. In short, they're treated in death the way they are in life, very forgivingly.

It appears that libs and lib media outlets are eager to use Sen. Helms' death as an opportunity to bash him. It's unseemly.

By the way, did Barack Obama take time out during his campaigning in Montana to comment on Sen. Helms' death, to say at least a little something nice? Maybe he did, but I couldn't find any widely circulated statement from him.

I know John McCain issued a statement.

You'd think people would have the decency to consider Sen. Helms' survivors.


Compare this FOX News report with this AP report on Helms' death. The difference is striking.


The Mo'Kelly Report said...

A number of holes in your post. First, Kennedy is PRESENTLY characterized as "polarizing" and he's still alive. A simple Google search with "Kennedy" and "polarizing" illustrates this point.

Secondly, to even COMPARE Helms to Kennedy is laughable. People "disagree" with Kennedy's politics, but he would never and could not ever be considered or characterized as a bastion of hatred.

And you roundly overestimate the Democrats' fondness for Sen. Byrd. You can best believe his affiliation with the KKK will be strongly highlighted in the obit and we won't be crying any tears over him either.

The objective fact is that Jesse Helms WAS a racist in the Webster's dictionary definition of the word. He twisted the bible to justify the subjugation of every group neither White nor Southern, while conveniently omitting the fact that segregation, racism et al were in direct contradiction with Christian principles.

Thirdly, the reason why a Fox News Report is widely different from an AP report is that AP at least ATTEMPTS to be somewhat objective. Fox on the other hand (as a "news" channel) features a line up WHOLLY of conservative is that objective?

Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, et al do not equal objectivity. They equal a conservative viewpoint, one more closely aligned to Jesse Helms and less aligned to neutrality.

The facts do not change...what has changed is the definition of fact and opinion.

The fact is that Jesse Helms was a hateful man through the whole of his public life of "service."

So no, he is not to be revered and rejoiced over. The same can't be said about Ted Kennedy and YES Chappaquiddick will be in his obit.

If you'd like to go line by line and compare Kennedy and Helms, we can do that. Just know that the facts are not on your side and you will lose horribly.

Anonymous said...

I see here that facts and opinions are now interchangeable. And, that objectivity is purely subjective.

Who knew?

Mary said...

First, of course Sen. Kennedy is still alive. I pray he enjoys many more years.

I'm talking about his obituary when that day comes, as it will for all of us.

I doubt that the lib media will DWELL on the negative when writing about Kennedy.

Second, are you aware of how Kennedy slimed Robert Bork? Kennedy helped to usher in an era of politics of personal destruction. More recently, he has said inexcusable things about American troops.

I disagree with your statement about Byrd. It wasn't long ago that the Washington Post wrote a love letter to the former klansman.

I'm not defending Helms or excusing him for the inexcusable, merely pointing out a double standard that plays out in the media every day.

The Mo'Kelly Report said...

Mary, when you say "double-standard" the implication is that there are two seemingly equitable people, situations or circumstances with widely varied treatment.

It's in the comparison of Kennedy and Helms. That's my major point. I would readily accept that there is/are double-standards in media, but I can't co-sign that this is one of them.

I would argue that Jesse Helms is Governor George Wallace, but without the apology.

I would also concede that Kennedy is distasteful to many in political circles, but in the fact that you bring up Kennedy's "sliming" of Robert Bork...speaks to again, Kennedy's politics, not Kennedy being a hateful individual overall.


Newt Gingrich's politics against Bill Clinton in my estimation were "slimy." But I don't find Newt to be a hateful or mean-spirited individual to the majority of society. I think there's a distinction to be made between one's politics and one's personal mean-spiritedness on top of their politics. And when it comes down to it (in regards to Kennedy versus Helms) there's a lot more hate and vitriol on the record of Helms, than Kennedy.

When these broad swaths and strokes are use to paint the supposed "lib media" and such it moves away from being intellectually honesty. If when Kennedy dies and nothing but glowing things are said about Kennedy, then argument holds water. But to pre-suppose and also compare individuals of truly inequitable hatred levels...can't follow you there. You mention Bork, I mention Helms and his many remarks against Blacks, gays, Latinos, UNC, etc.

Most of his rhetoric had nothing to do with "politics" other than the politics of segregation. Kennedy's resume is a wee bit less vitriolic than that.

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

Another interesting piece.

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

the reason why a Fox News Report is widely different from an AP report is that AP at least ATTEMPTS to be somewhat objective. Fox on the other hand (as a "news" channel) features a line up WHOLLY of conservative is that objective?

Hmm....according to the nonpartisan Project for Excellence in Journalism, in a recent study, FOX was the harshest on McCain and gave fair coverage to Obama.

Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, et al do not equal objectivity. They equal a conservative viewpoint,

Duh on that. O'Reilly's program is commentary. He's an independent conservative expressing his point of view. Hannity has Colmes as his foil, and both are admittedly batting for their side. That's the nature of the show. They aren't doing the straight news. What's deceptive, is when the straight news in "objective" sources like the NYTimes,CBS, etc. make their straight news sound more and more like editorials.

Mary said...

Interesting article and good points about the media, WS.

Mo'Kelly, we clearly don't agree, but I appreciate that you have expressed yourself in a civil manner.

You seem to object to any comparison between Kennedy and Helms. I'm not drawing parallels or declaring one man to be as bad or worse than the other.

I mentioned what Kennedy did to Bork as one example of Kennedy behaving in a less than appropriate manner. I didn't cite other instances of the Senator's questionable behavior and remarks because I'm really not setting out to compare the two.

My post is about the way the liberal media have reported on Helms' death, as well as reaction from leaders on the Left.

Note that in my original post I say "I wonder" what will be said about Byrd. I ask how Kennedy will be treated. Yes, I say I think that they will receive much kinder treatment than Helms, but obviously that's conjecture on my part.

I don't believe that it's fair to suggest that I'm being intellectually dishonest.

I understand that you believe Helms to be "a hateful individual overall." You're not speaking out against him politically. You're condemning him as a man.

Those who knew Helms, like the Rev. Billy Graham, remember a very different person.

Are Helms' detractors right and his supporters wrong or vice versa?

I'm not writing about that.

My post discusses how Helms' death has been handled in the media.

The post is really about how the Left-leaning media deal with a conservative's passing.

Anonymous said...

Our site takes a somewhat unbalanced view of the good Senator, and the coincidence of of the 4th of July passing. Yours is decidedly more charitable. Thanks for adding your comment to the blogging universe.