Monday, July 28, 2008

Streisand Talks Politics with Politico

God help us all!

Get a glimpse into the brilliant political mind of Barbra Streisand.

Read her e-mail interview with Politico.

A sampling of questions and responses:

QUESTION: A lot of folks object to "Hollywood celebrities" participating in political discourse. Aside from pure disagreement over certain issues, why do you think there's such a backlash when you or other well-known performers speak your mind?

STREISAND: On a very basic level, many people think celebrities have too much already so we shouldn’t be entitled to our political opinions. Also, the other side objects to the fact that we might be listened to. But, I see myself first and foremost as a citizen of this country. And I am outspoken about the issues I care about like healthcare, global warming, the war in Iraq, energy independence, education, poverty and so on.

I think we are all lucky to live in a country where people have the constitutional right to voice their opinion and speak their mind without punishment or penalty. Everyone should exercise that right, because it engages people in the political process and forces our candidates to be clear about their stances on important issues affecting all Americans.

Yeah, right.

I'm jealous.

Celebrities have too much already, and therefore, celebrities shouldn't be entitled to their political opinions.

Right. That's what I think. I'm so bitter. No wonder I cling to my Bible.

Beyond my intense jealousy, I'm afraid that people might listen to Streisand.


Streisand objects to the notion that celebrities should remain silent, saying all Americans have the "right to voice their opinion and speak their mind without punishment or penalty."

Who is punishing or penalizing Streisand for speaking her mind?

Is it middle America, conservative America? She should forget about those backward, bible-thumping, gun-toting hicks.

What a snob!

The woman is obviously clueless.

QUESTION: Do you have any friends or family members who are conservative and/or Republican?

STREISAND: I do have friends that are Republicans and we have very spirited conversations on a whole range of issues. I am often baffled by why they are Republicans, but I enjoy the dialogue and can move beyond politics to find common ground in my personal relationships.

Good grief.

Babs is often "baffled" by why friends are Republicans.


It's incomprehensible to her.

Streisand suffers from a severe case of tunnel vision.

QUESTION: Aside from the presidential contest, are there any other races around the country that you're following?

STREISAND: Yes, Yes, Yes! I am closely following the Senate races. We need to reach a 60-seat majority in the Senate. There are 35 Senate races, of which 5 are open challenges. Democratic strategists believe with varying degrees of probability that the following states are at least a possibility for turnover: Alaska, Colorado, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon and Virginia.

If the Democrats win the Presidency, we will need a strong mandate in the Senate to break the gridlock of filibustering that the Republicans have used over the past four years. For that to happen, Democrats need to capitalize on picking up key seats in states where Republican support is waning. I can’t imagine a Supreme Court with another judicial appointment like Scalia, Thomas, or Alito.

Streisand seems a bit confused.

"Gridlock of filibustering that the Republicans have used over the past FOUR years"?


Streisand "can’t imagine a Supreme Court with another judicial appointment like Scalia, Thomas, or Alito."

Yes, the horror of justices interpreting the Constitution rather than legislating from the bench!

Streisand can say whatever she wants.

And we can say what we want in response. We can agree with her or disagree. We can worship her or not.

No jealousy. No bitterness.

As far as I'm concerned, I look at the political spoutings of entertainers as entertainment.

The celebs give their political opinions with a gravitas that's actually quite amusing. Their self-importance, ego run amok, is interesting to watch.

True, sometimes they say very offensive stuff, but I don't think of it as anything more than what it is -- entertainment.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I could be that arrogant if I tried.

I really have nothing else to add, but then again neither did Streisand.

Mary said...

Streisand's arrogance is off the charts.

She and Obama have that in common.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I think I'm afraid that people will believe you. You present the issues in a completely one-sided manner, and then say everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. She wasn't saying celebrities had too much materially, she meant attention-wise. Which is true, a lot of people do have that view. And you attempt to put words into her mouth. Did she ever once refer to anyone as "backward, bible-thumping, gun-toting hicks"? No, she didn' did. Let's let people think for themselves, okay?

Mary said...

I'm just giving my take, as well as a touch of sarcasm.

I'm not really jealous of Streisand.

Also, note that I ask questions regarding Streisand's comments. I'm not putting words in her mouth.

I never suggested that Streisand shouldn't think what she wants and say what she thinks.