Saturday, July 26, 2008

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and Jay Leno

NBC's late night worlds collided on Friday when Triumph the Insult Comic Dog (Robert Smigel) of Late Night with Conan O'Brien was a guest on the Tonight Show.

During the interview, Jay Leno asked Triumph's thoughts on the presidential election.

LENO: So who do you like this year?

TRIUMPH: I don't know about McCain. You know, the whole war hero thing. Oh, he just... I'm sorry, you know. Big deal. He was tortured by the Vietnamese. My uncle was served, cooked, and garnished by the Vietnamese!

When Leno jokingly made a reference to Smigel being unable to plug his new TV Funhouse DVD without reading from a paper, Triumph was horrified.

The Insult Comic Dog went off on Leno.
TRIUMPH: How dare you make fun of the Jew up my ass! Never bring up the Jew up my ass. You have just broken the cardinal rule, Jay. I hope Conan kicks your sorry ass!

...Jay, how can you be so disloyal to NBC? You know... Come here... Look me in the eye. Right now. You want blood. You want to destroy NBC. You're moving to ABC and you know it. This network, Jay... Jay Leno, this network has done so much for you. This network has made you who you are today -- a gross overachiever. This network... you're going to desert this network and move over to ABC or FOX?

If you do that, I have only one thing to say to you.

LENO: And what is that?

TRIUMPH: Take me with you. Please, Jay. Please... Don't leave me here. JAY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is there a video clip to this?