Thursday, August 28, 2008

Letterman's DNC Top 10 Lists

David Letterman makes no attempt to hide his disdain for President Bush and Republicans.

He has been providing just a bit of balance this week by lampooning the Democrats during their convention.

However, notice that a significant number of the items mock the Republicans.

Also note that out of 30 list items, only one mentions Barack Obama and it in no way is demeaning to him.

Will Letterman do three Top 10 Lists about the Republican Convention without making a joke at John McCain's expense?

No chance.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008: Top Ten Democratic National Convention Pickup Lines

10. Wanna form a more perfect union?

9. Something's rising and it's not the national debt

8. I'm stiffer than John Kerry

7. Let's go someplace and release our delegates

6. Care to join the wife and me for a little 'bipartisanship'?

5. I'll make you scream like Howard Dean

4. Now that's what I call a stimulus package

3. I'm gonna Barack your world

2. Wanna pretend we're Republicans and have gay bathroom sex?

1. Hi, I'm John Edwards

"I'm gonna Barack your world" can't be seen as a slam on Obama. I'm sure it's meant to be a compliment.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008: Top Ten Things Overheard At The Democratic National Convention

10. "Check it out -- Bill Clinton and John Edwards are hitting on the same woman"

9. "The decorations are made from 'John Kerry 2004' bumper stickers"

8. "I think the Chinese delegates are underage"

7. "No, Mr. President, you belong at the Republican convention"

6. "Senator Biden, do you think you'll shoot an old guy in the face?"

5. "Shut up! I'm trying to listen to Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle"

4. No number 4 -- writer at screening of "The House Bunny"

3. "Coming up next, a look at Democratic candidates' greatest concession speeches"

2. "Yes, at midnight they're going to tase Andy Dick"

1. "Hey, it's a giant Al Gore balloon! Oh, wait. That's Al Gore"

Another Obama-free list.

Of all the boring speeches given by governors at the convention, Letterman's writers singled out our own Gov. Jim Doyle for the joke!

Be proud Wisconsinites! Doyle deserves the honor.

Monday, August 25, 2008: Top Ten Ways to Make the Democratic Convention More Fun

10. Offer John McCain $1 million if he correctly guesses how many homes he owns

9. Every night, one lucky lady gets to go home with John Edwards

8. In honor of party mascot, serve assortment of delicious donkey and mule treats

7. Each delegate gets a kitty, superdelegates get a super kitty!

6. Special appearance by the exhumed remains of Lyndon Johnson

5. Call the Pepsi Center something crazy like the Bird's Nest or the Water Cube

4. Give John Kerry's crazy wife five minutes to say whatever she wants -- remember her?

3. Kick things off with a song from Dennis Kucinich

2. Five words: hot volleyball babes in bikinis

1. Try to squeeze Al Gore into the same suit he wore at the 2000 convention

Again, Obama is off limits.

I guess in Letterman's world a joke at Obama's expense is akin to blasphemy.

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