Thursday, September 25, 2008

Connecticut Dems Censuring Joe Lieberman

HARTFORD, Conn. -- Connecticut Democrats, angry that Sen. Joe Lieberman is campaigning for the Republican presidential candidate and criticizing his own party’s nominee, agreed Wednesday to circulate a resolution to censure the veteran politician but won’t consider acting on it until after Election Day.

The state party’s central committee Wednesday agreed to send copies of the resolution to every Democratic town committee in the state. The resolution condemns Lieberman for speaking at the Republicans’ convention and backing John McCain.

Party officials said the group plans to get input from the town officials and revisit the issue in December.

...Lieberman, speaking earlier Wednesday to a radio station, said that he was surprised by the move to censure him.

“Honestly, I thought that was the kind of thing that happened only in the former Soviet Union. I understand that people are unhappy, but, you know, I’m doing something that I really believe,” Lieberman told WICH-AM. “I thought in this country you don’t get punished for that. So, I hope that in the end, my colleagues will understand and life will go on either way.”

On most issues, Sen. Lieberman votes with the Dems.

That's not good enough. It's all or nothing at all with them.

Once again, the Dems display that you must march in lockstep or you should be marching with someone else.

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