Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kathleen Sebelius in Wausau

Kathleen Sebelius, governor of Kansas, was in Wausau last night, campaigning for Barack Obama.

From the Wausau Daily Herald:

Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius cast Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama as the true candidate of change who can help people in the Wausau area navigate difficult economic times.

“The pain has finally trickled up to Wall Street from Main Street,” Sebelius, a Democrat, said Wednesday to about 100 people at the Wausau Business Development Center.

The Kansas governor said Obama — who grew up in Hawaii but was also raised by his Kansas grandparents — understands the plight of regular people and will offer real change and relief.

I wonder if Sebelius also mentioned that Obama's father was black.

Like other Democrats, she thinks race is a major factor in this election.

Clearly, the Dems are coordinated and rolling out that talking point -- Race is a factor.

From FOX News:

While campaigning for Obama in Iowa Tuesday, Sebelius was asked why the election is so close.

“Have any of you noticed that Barack Obama is part African-American?” the Democrat said. “That may be a factor. All the code language, all that doesn’t show up in the polls. And that may be a factor for some people.”

"All the code language..."

I wonder if Sebelius cracked that code for her audience in Wausau.

Is she referring to "community organizer"?

I thought we were told that's code for Jesus.

SHE is a race-baiter.

End of story.

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