Thursday, September 18, 2008

Late Night with Sarah Palin (and Conan O'Brien)

Late Night with Conan O'Brien has become The Sarah Palin Show.

It's all Palin, all the time.

O'Brien began his monologue with what he calls "the nation's obsession" -- Sarah Palin.

Actually, I think it's O'Brien's obsession. It's getting creepy. Really.

It's as if O'Brien's writers can't think of anything except Sarah Palin. It creeps me out.

O'BRIEN: This week, true story, someone was able to hack into Sarah Palin's Yahoo e-mail account, because she hadn't taken the proper security measures.

So folks, it's official: No one in the Palin family uses protection.

This is a problem. It starts with mom, and then it goes down...

I don't know why it's open season on Palin's family. I don't know how, in good conscience, O'Brien, a parent himself, can continue to mock Bristol Palin's pregnancy.

It also ticks me off that the hacking isn't being condemned, as if that crime is not significant, not even worth mentioning.

A few jokes later, O'Brien did an extended segment in which he set out to persuade Palin to appear on his show.

O'Brien noted the controversy over Oprah Winfrey refusing to have Sarah Palin on her show until after the election.

He also noted that Palin brings in huge ratings when she appears on a show.

He said that he wants Sarah Palin to appear on his show. He launched into his pitch, speaking directly to her throughout the bit.

O'BRIEN: Gov. Palin, if you're watching the show, and I know you are, you're a fan,... please come be a guest here on Late Night.

O'Brien assured her that they would do everything they can to cater to her every need to make her comfortable.

O'Brien said that since some people find her voice grating, they would digitally alter it to make it "sound like the much more appealing and pleasing Gilbert Gottfried."

Showing a clip of Palin as she appeared on ABC with Charlie Gibson, Gottfried's voice was heard, "Aflac, Aflac, Aflac."

O'Brien said that Palin didn't need to worry about getting blitzed with hard questions. He promised she would only get softball questions, and offered some examples.
LaBAMBA: Hey, Sarah, what's up?

And the follow-up question:
LaBAMBA: Hey Sarah, what else is up?

O'Brien said that since his show is so popular with young people Palin should feel free to bring along her daughter, Bristol.

He said she can hang out in the green room.

O'BRIEN: She'll be very comfortable hanging out there with Max's interns.

Cut to a room with three very pregnant-looking teenage girls.

(Screen grab/ NBC)

He finished the segment by saying if Palin came on the show, they would have a very special treat for her.
O'BRIEN: We know you're fond of two things: hunting and abstinence. Think about it. So we're combining the two by giving you the unique opportunity to hunt and kill our most beloved character of all time, the "Masturbating Bear." Here's a demonstration. Take a look.

A woman dressed as Palin entered the studio and fired a shotgun at the guy in the bear suit. The bear dropped.

O'BRIEN: Yeah! Very...that was a nice shot, Gov. Palin.

The woman playing Palin waved and mouthed "Aflac, Aflac," to Gilbert Gottfried's voice.

As I said, it seems to be all Palin, all the time.

There was still more to come.

After a commercial break, O'Brien did a regular segment, New State Quarters.

The bit is based on the series of commemorative state quarters. O'Brien's offerings have joke designs.

What a surprise! Alaska has a new state quarter. Boy, I didn't see that coming.

The coin had an image of Sarah Palin.

O'BRIEN: Alaska's quarter features Alaska's new state slogan: 'Alaska, commemorating two and a half weeks of national relevance.'

Now, that quarter narrowly beat out this runner-up for Alaska's quarter: 'Alaska, number one in drilling.'

...Horror mixed with applause. My... my favorite stew.

Of course, the quarter had an image of a pregnant teen.

I've been a regular viewer of the show, but O'Brien's comedy has become so abusive. I'm not laughing anymore.


Anonymous said...

i bet you were laughing your tail off when every one else was skewered though. i bet jamie lynn's pregnancy had you rolling on the floor in tears with laughter though. I bet you thought that people were being sensitive when FOX NEWS called michelle obama a baby's mama didn't you. Here we have a real one and you can't see the irony? the kid gloves come out? hypocrite.
poor wittle sarah. wants to be vice president and we can't huwt her feewings. I don't think the president of iran is going to give a darn about her feelings or yours . this is CLASSIC material.

Mary said...

Your comments are an embarrassment because they are so ill-informed.

Your accusations are completely baseless. Read my blog. Look for such insensitivity on my part. You won't find it.

Your attacks on me don't stick.