Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Laura Bush and Cindy McCain Address RNC

Hurricane Gustav altered the plans for the first day of the Republican National Convention.

Politics took a back seat. Country first.

CINDY McCAIN: I am so proud to standing next to Mrs. Bush as we work together to extend our support to relief efforts in the gulf.

As each of the gulf coast governors just expressed to us, their challenges will continue in the days ahead. I would ask that each one of us commit to join together to aid those in need as quickly as possible. As John has been saying for the last several days, this is a time when we take off our republican hats and put on our American hats.

In that spirit, we'd like to ask that you go to a website called "cause greater" – or www.causegreater.com -- that will allow all of us to aid those who have been affected by Hurricane Gustav.


Country First: Serving a Cause Greater than Self

Help deliver aid to those in need who are affected in the gulf coast.


Transcript of remarks by Laura Bush and Cindy McCain

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