Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Obama's Wisconsin Campaign Stiffs Chit Chat Café

Why is it that Democrats claim to be for the working people and yet some rip them off?

From the Beaver Dam Daily Citizen:

Barack Obama's Wisconsin Campaign for Change left no change in Waupun last week.

The presidential candidate's campaign staff arrived at the Chit Chat Café at 324 E. Main St., last Tuesday to hold a round table discussion about Obama and his positions.

More than 40 people crowded the family restaurant.

But when it came time to leave, the campaign staff got up and left, refusing to pay the tab for coffee.

"When they came the place was full and they started talking," said the waitress Amanda, who didn't want to use her last name. "Then some people said they couldn't hear, and so they stood up and started giving a speech, talking loud enough for everyone to hear.

"We didn't even know they were having a meeting here."

Amanda said it started last week when two men came in to eat. "After they ate they asked if we could reserve a table for 10 people for next week. We said sure. We didn't know it was for a meeting.

"We didn't know what was going on Tuesday. I didn't know anything about this. They never told us, but they had press releases, and were on the radio, and called people to come."

As the campaign staff started walking out, a startled Amanda stopped them at the door and asked who was going to pay for the coffee.

"One man said he only had $10, and another said they had to hurry on to the next meeting in Watertown," Amanda said.

About 20 cups of coffee weren't paid for but that small amount didn't concern Chit Chat owner Debbie Vanden Boom.

"It's the principle of the matter. Had they said they were having a meeting and many people would be coming and could the coffee be complimentary, it wouldn't have been a problem," she said.

"On top of that, Amanda never even got a tip."

These Dems talk the talk, but they don't walk the walk.

Out of 40 people, not ONE thought to pay for the coffee. Not ONE thought to tip Amanda.

What's wrong with these people? Really.

Barack Obama's Wisconsin Campaign exploited the very people they claim to represent.

They should be ashamed. What an embarrassment!

(h/t Sykes Writes)

Other instances of Democrat selfishness and exploitation:

Bill Clinton Stiffs Romeo

Hillary and Bill Clinton Stiff the Little People


August Danowski said...

That is shameful. Thanks for pointing it out. While we are discussing important issues like this, perhaps you could answer another question: Why is it that Republicans claim to be for law and order and yet most hardly bat an eyelash when Republicans violate the law (warrantless wiretapping of US citizens, holding a US Citizen for 5 years without charge, unlawfully deleting White House emails, using RNC email accounts for official White House business, disclosing the identity of a covert operative, breaches of Executive Orders by the VP's office, failure to respond to Congressional subpoenas, signing statements, and various violations of the Presidential Records Act, for example)?

Anonymous said...

It's all about them. They are our saviors and we should kneel at their feet and give thanks that they even exist for our benefit.


Mary said...


You may find the story of little significance, but I think the incident mattered to the restaurant owner and to Amanda.

Try showing more compassion and less sarcasm. Think of the thoughtlessness and arrogance shown by these Obama supporters.

Are you afraid to address the topic? You're avoiding the issue by trying to change the subject.

Mary said...

Yes. Gack.

Anonymous said...

That story is completely bogus. The newspaper that printed it recanted; see this link:

Mary said...

From the link you provided:

Barack Obama's Campaign for Change is welcome back at the Chit Chat Cafe after some confusion over a tab for coffee was cleared up.

The confusion started when the campaign held a meet and greet type of rally at the Waupun cafe last week. When the campaign staff left, they apparently did so without paying for as many as 20 cups of coffee.

Chit Chat owner Debbie Vanden Boom said Wednesday that everything has been resolved.

"It was all a misunderstanding, but it's all taken care of now. Even the tip is taken care of. I'd be happy to let them meet here again if need be," she said.

Matt Lehrich, deputy communications director for Obama's campaign, said he had talked to Vanden Boom and was sorry about the misunderstanding.

"There was some miscommunication and some confusion and we do feel badly about that," Lehrich said.

It's wrong to say that the story was COMPLETELY BOGUS.

The Obama campaign group took over the place and left without paying.

From the original story:

As the campaign staff started walking out, a startled Amanda stopped them at the door and asked who was going to pay for the coffee.

"One man said he only had $10, and another said they had to hurry on to the next meeting in Watertown," Amanda said.

It was a "misunderstanding." The "confusion" was cleared up.

In other words, the group did in fact leave without paying and the restaurant owner and staff were ticked off.

My guess is all the attention in the media prompted the Obama campaign to resolve the "confusion" quickly.

It's great the bill and the tip were finally paid.