Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dictators Mock Obama's Ignorance


Anonymous said...

The fear-mongering bastard that’s behind the PAC is Howard Kaloogian. He’s got this strange prefix to his name on their website… it says “Hon.”. Now what the hell does that mean? Honorable?

Kaloogian’s legacy as a politician, besides losing elections, is photoshopping pictures of himself to look taller (more than once) and lying about endorsements. Wow. That is honorable!

read more at:
read more

Mary said...

I doubt that many people care about Kaloogian's legacy.

They won't be voting for him on Tuesday.

Obama's foreign policy naivete is an issue, not Kaloogian's photoshopping or whatever.

The video is spot-on.

Dictators and tyrants and terrorists are hoping for an Obama presidency.

Even Biden acknowledges that Obama will be tested to prove his mettle.

McCain needs no such test. He's been right on foreign policy. He supported the surge when it wasn't popular.