Wednesday, January 14, 2009

José Serrano: Repeal the 22nd Amendment

From Ed Morrissey, Hot Air:

Maybe I’m just being too cynical, but somehow I doubt that Rep. José Serrano introduced HJ Res 5 in order to allow George W Bush to run for a third term in office. One week ago, the New York Democrat introduced a measure to repeal the 22nd Amendment, which provides the only term limit on federal office — the Presidency. The amendment, added in 1951, restricts anyone from seeking a third term in office, and Serrano wants that repealed.

Why now? Apparently, the notion of Hope and Change has overwhelmed Serrano to the point that he just can’t stand to see Barack Obama limited to two terms in office. Never mind the fact that Obama has yet to start his first term, and no one knows yet whether he’d get re-elected in 2012. Maybe it’s that New Deal vibe; Serrano may want to prepare the way for a more tangible comparison between Obama and FDR in 2016 and 2020.

The Dems need to get a grip.


Anonymous said...

I still remember when the Republicans tried this with Reagan. This isn't news.

J. S. Gilbert said...

He did it because *I* told him to. It has nothing to do with the Obama.

Anonymous said...

If you Google:
Serrano 22nd Amendment -Obama

you will see that Serrrano has been doing this for years.

Whatever he is up to, it has nothing to do with the current president.

Anonymous said...

Serrano has tried this SIX other times all the way back to 1997. I'm a conservative and certainly don't care to see Obama in office for any longer than necessary, but good grief, this nutjob isn't just doing this just because of Obama.

danielp said...

Consider maybe that the 22nd amendment is actually pointless, and he wants to put an end to it.
-presidents lose power after their reelection (the new people start moving to get elected, Foreign leaders know he has no future and therefore no pull in four years)
-with term limits there is no accountability for what the presidents does in his second term

It's like someone telling you you'll have your job for another year, but after that you're fired

Anonymous said...

How does a man who obviously has not read or understand the Constitution be in the position he is in.

Is this a fools paradise or what?