Thursday, February 12, 2009

Obama: Denver, Phoenix, and the Stimulus Signing Ceremony

Barack Obama is hitting the road again to sell his massive, bloated, so-called economic stimulus plan, loaded with pork and entitlements, to the American people.

Obama certainly likes to fly on Air Force One, doesn't he? How much are his jaunts costing taxpayers? Obama isn't helping the environment by burning through all that jet fuel.

But I digress.

Obama plans to go to Denver and Phoenix.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- After hitting three states in four days, President Barack Obama is going back on the road next week to convince Americans his economic stimulus plan will get the job done.

The president is planning stops in Denver and Phoenix next Wednesday and Thursday. That comes on top of a whirlwind of travel this week: Obama was scheduled to be in Peoria, Ill., Thursday afternoon after visiting Indiana, Florida and Virginia earlier.

With next week's travel, Obama aims to continue promoting his $790 billion plan to create jobs and pump up consumer activity through spending programs and tax relief.

...Obama also is expected to talk about his administration's separate plan, announced this week, for using the rest of the $700 billion financial rescue package that Congress approved last year.

People in Denver and Phoenix! Get ready! If you want a new job or a house or a kitchen, try to get to an Obama event and tell your story. You'll be glad you did.
...Another decision still being made by the White House: where, when and how Obama would sign the stimulus bill into law. Obama aides want to make a splash with the event, either by making it as high-profile as possible at the White House, or staging a ceremony on the road.

So when Obama signs that disastrous alleged stimulus bill into law, Obama's people "want to make a splash with the event."

He could sign it at Invesco Field. Does Obama still have the set from his Democratic National Convention acceptance speech temple?

If Obama aides want to stage a ceremony on the road, I would suggest somewhere in Europe. Maybe France? I think that would be appropriate.

Russia might be a good location to make a splash. Red Square would be nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Depression will be here soon. The Dow is down 2,000+ since election day. Unemployment is going to soar thanks to the stupid spending bill. If the government would stay out of the way we'd be OK. But that's not what they want.

The Democrats are just fine with the economy in the tank as long as it looks like there is some improvement come the next Presidential election. More desperate people mean more voters for the Democrats.

A huge percentage of the USA public believes that the direction the Democrats are going is wrong, but they don't care. If the Democrats actually told the citizens what they were going to do they would never get elected.

Obama lied his butt off his entire campaign and now we are screwed because enough schmucks bought into his snake oil salesman crap. How could anybody believe anything a man that would have "Rev." Wright as his mentor and terrorist Ayers as a close personal associate.

And, I imagine George Soros is pretty busy these days pulling the strings.