Monday, February 23, 2009

Sean Penn and Gay Marriage

Sean Penn must have been very happy that he won an Academy Award for his performance in Milk. That gave him a platform to slam a lot of Americans in his acceptance speech.

From Reuters:

Sean Penn took home the Oscar for best actor on Sunday for his portrayal of slain San Francisco gay rights activist Harvey Milk in the movie "Milk" and used his win to defend the right of same-sex couples to wed.

..."You commie, homo-loving, sons of guns," the sharp-tongued Penn told the audience as he collected his award. "I did not expect this and...I know how hard I make it to appreciate me."

The straight actor's portrayal of an openly gay politician was a timely one -- with "Milk" coming out shortly after California's same-sex couples lost their right to marry in a voter referendum.

"I think it is a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect and anticipate their great shame and the shame in their grandchildren's eyes if they continue that way," Penn said.

"We've got to have equal rights for everyone."

Bans on same-sex marriage have passed all over the country.

Sean Penn is hoping that Americans who voted to pass bans think about "their great shame and the shame in their grandchildren's eyes if they continue that way."

Penn thinks a lot of Americans are bad, bad people. The majority of the audience at the Kodak Theater seemed to agree with Penn.

Since Hollywood doesn't have President Bush to bash anymore, the crusade is on to repeal Prop 8.

Andrew Breitbart writes:

This year´s cause celebre was not the ailing American work force or the heroic and underappreciated U.S. military, but an attack on California´s just passed traditional marriage amendment - as represented by the white ribbon worn by pliant celebrity throngs. Dissenters in the midst dare not wear their contrarian ribbons for fear of more punitive Proposition 8 backlash.

I don't know why Sean Penn didn't wear one of the white knotted ribbons. Even though he claimed he didn't expect to win, I guess he was pretty confident that he'd have the opportunity to express his opinions on gay marriage in his acceptance speech.

"You commie, homo-loving, sons of guns."

Funny. We get it. Hollywood is the home of the enlightened. The entertainment elite are a superior class. The rest of us are backward shlubs.


Anonymous said...

I guess it's lost on the mental midget, Sean Penn, that his President, Mr. Obama, is against gay marriage.

It was just like stereotypical Hollywood to use last nights "gala" to promote a radical social agenda instead of recognizing excellence in film making.

In this economy, the Hollywood elite is going to get a rude awakening; and it is about time.

Rourke got screwed. And the show was a total bust, except for Will Smith's comment about movie fans and Stiller's portrayal of Phoenix.

Did I mention that Rourke got screwed?

Mary said...

I don't think Sean Penn won for his performance in Milk.

Hollywood was making a political statement by giving the Oscar to him.

If it were really all about the acting, Rourke would have won. He got screwed. Definitely.

Anonymous said...

When is somebody going to expose the casting couch that is still in use in Hollywood? Women are treated like disposable meat. It'd be nice if the Hollywood types would clean up their own act instead of posing behind these liberal causes to show all of us just how much they care.

Anonymous said...

Rourke was lousy I hate that guy, that plastic surgery wearing, coke snortin SOB.

Gay Marraige is a great idea lets go for it, when everyone can marry the morons in this country will complain just like they did when blacks and whites married.

Anonymous said...

This why I stopped watching all award shows years ago. I got sick and tired of the elitists using the stage to promote their liberal ideologies. I don't know who gave them the idea that their political opinions are relevant, but the fact that they live in their own little world is reflected in the decreased ratings in the all award shows.

Anonymous said...

Thank God - literally - that we have open-minded individuals in this country who dare speak for the minority and refuse to let bigots, majority or otherwise, intimidate us into acquiescence of their murky conmingling of Church and State. Yeah, that's in the Constitution - go look it up.

dlinderaz said...

I'm a Christian and I feel shame when fellow Christians take it upon themselves to judge other human beings. If gays want to marry, then they should. We were all created equally and we all deserve the same rights. Don't the scriptures warn us that we will be judged the same way we judge others? A true good person loves or at least accepts and respects their fellow human beings regardless. If being gay is indeed a sin, then let them be judged by the higher powers, for we don't have the right to do so, that only makes us judgmental hypocrites.