Wednesday, March 11, 2009

JS Editorial: Obama, Stem Cell Research, and the False Choice

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Editorial Board is regurgitating the same lib drivel heard from Democrats and the national media on Barack Obama's executive order to use more taxpayer dollars for EMBRYONIC stem cell research.

The Board calls it a "step forward."

The debate long has been emotionally charged, but Obama said Monday that the Bush administration had forced a false choice on the country between science and faith: "As a person of faith, I believe we are called to care for each other and work to ease human suffering."

Obama's decision could boost stem cell research in Wisconsin, where limitations on federal funding have made it harder for the state to compete with California, which has poured billions of dollars of unrestricted state money into research.

In signing the order, Obama has taken an important step to allow science to proceed - and to insulate it from politics.

This is ridiculous.

Supposedly, the Bush administration "forced a false choice on the country between science and faith."

Apparently, the Board believes that Obama, a self-proclaimed "person of faith," is not forcing a false choice. Why should Obama's belief on the morality of destroying human life for research be considered divine revelation?

Obama's faith-filled decision is being forced on the country just as surely as Bush's was. What's the difference?

It's wrong to say that President Bush didn't allow science to proceed. He fully supported pursuing stem cell research and dramatic progress in the field was made during his administration.

What the Board and others fail to note is that there were no government restrictions on any sort of stem cell research. This has always been about the amount of FEDERAL FUNDING for embryonic stem cell research. There was no ban on the research. The private sector has always been free to fund it.

Talk about falsehoods!

Science doesn't need government to proceed.

It's BS to say that Obama's executive order now insulates science from politics. Obama's move was just as political as anything President Bush did in regard to embryonic stem cell research.

The difference between the two is that President Bush's politics prevented the increase of federal funds used to destroy human life for scientific experimentation whereas Obama's politics provides tax dollars to fund the destruction of human life in scientific research that takes place in a moral vacuum.


Anonymous said...

stem cells are good we should use them alot more. thats what i think. ind im a stem cell. so take my word for it. ;)

Mary said...

Lame, Paco. Very lame.

Talk about a false choice!

Unknown said...

There are 100's of scientific studies that have been done on AFA and our product StemEnhance. There are also 100's of scientific papers on Adult Stem Cell therapy. I have listed quite a few on my blog that you can read at You can also find the book over at that Christian Drapeau wrote. It is called "The Stem Cell Theory of Renewal" Take a look if you would like to talk feel free to email or call me anytime 877-696-8581