Saturday, April 18, 2009

Norm and Neil Cavuto

Norm, the Chicago Tea Party guy, gave his first TV interview to Neil Cavuto.

I don't know if it's a good idea for Norm to be speaking out like this. Look what happened to Joe "the Plumber" Wurzelbacher. He was savaged by the Left. I'm sure CNN has an army working to find out about the real Norm.

Beyond concerns about the lib media going on the attack, the Obama administration has made it clear that it intends to watch Right-wing extremists.

That would be Norm, an enemy of the state.


Unknown said...

One lesson should be clear from this administration.

Dissent will not be tolerated.

Anonymous said...

Ironic that Neil Cavuto is doing this interview, considering he flat out lied about the attendance at Sacramento.

Mary said...

What's ironic about Cavuto interviewing Norm?

Do you know what irony means?

PatrioticAmerican said...

Irony is an incongruity between what is expected and what actually occurs.

I expected a biased reporter like Neil Cavuto to applaud bias where he sees it, but that is not what actually occurred.

However, I would be dishonest if I didn't concede that irony wasn't the best word. Hypocrite or a derivative thereof would have been better. Neil Cavuto is a hypocrite because he is disparaging media bias when he himself is biased.

Neil Cavuto flat out lied about the attendance at Sacramento. He himslef stated off air that the attendance was 5,000 and minutes later on air he was the attendance was at least 2-3 times that.

Oh and for Lee, I was arrested while protesting the Iraq war so don't whine about dissent not being tolerated.

Mary said...

You were arrested?

What did you do?

Anonymous said...

Cavuto is not a reporter.

Mary said...

That's right. He's not like CNN's Susan Roesgen.