Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We, the Taxpayers

April 15 -- One of the most dreaded days of the year. Tax Day.

This year, while the government confiscates our money, we, the taxpayers, are making our voices heard. We have outlets to express our displeasure.

Tea Parties are brewing all over the country.

This isn't a political movement. It's nonpartisan. It's the people speaking out. It transcends politics.

We, the people...

We, the taxpayers, are pissed.

From Glenn Harlan Reynolds, the Wall Street Journal:

Today American taxpayers in more than 300 locations in all 50 states will hold rallies -- dubbed "tea parties" -- to protest higher taxes and out-of-control government spending. There is no political party behind these rallies, no grand right-wing conspiracy, not even a 501(c) group like

So who's behind the Tax Day tea parties? Ordinary folks who are using the power of the Internet to organize. For a number of years, techno-geeks have been organizing "flash crowds" -- groups of people, coordinated by text or cellphone, who converge on a particular location and then do something silly, like the pillow fights that popped up in 50 cities earlier this month. This is part of a general phenomenon dubbed "Smart Mobs" by Howard Rheingold, author of a book by the same title, in which modern communications and social-networking technologies allow quick coordination among large numbers of people who don't know each other.

In the old days, organizing large groups of people required, well, an organization: a political party, a labor union, a church or some other sort of structure. Now people can coordinate themselves.

We saw a bit of this in the 2004 and 2008 presidential campaigns, with things like Howard Dean's use of Meetup, and Barack Obama's use of Facebook. But this was still social-networking in support of an existing organization or campaign. The tea-party protest movement is organizing itself, on its own behalf. Some existing organizations, like Newt Gingrich's American Solutions and FreedomWorks, have gotten involved. But they're involved as followers and facilitators, not leaders. The leaders are appearing on their own, and reaching out to others through blogs, Facebook, chat boards and alternative media.

That is so well said.

Column after column and talking head after talking head in the lib media have been engaged in an effort to discredit the Movement by mischaracterizing it.

The Tea Parties are organized by ordinary people. They aren't gatherings of activists. They're gatherings of the American citizenry.

The tea-party protest movement is organizing itself, on its own behalf. Some existing organizations, like Newt Gingrich's American Solutions and FreedomWorks, have gotten involved. But they're involved as followers and facilitators, not leaders. The leaders are appearing on their own, and reaching out to others through blogs, Facebook, chat boards and alternative media.

Paul Krugman and Chris Matthews and the minions don't want to admit the reality of what's happening here. It scares them.

It probably should.

The protests began with bloggers in Seattle, Wash., who organized a demonstration on Feb. 16. As word of this spread, rallies in Denver and Mesa, Ariz., were quickly organized for the next day. Then came CNBC talker Rick Santelli's Feb. 19 "rant heard round the world" in which he called for a "Chicago tea party" on July Fourth. The tea-party moniker stuck, but angry taxpayers weren't willing to wait until July. Soon, tea-party protests were appearing in one city after another, drawing at first hundreds, and then thousands, to marches in cities from Orlando to Kansas City to Cincinnati.

As word spread, people got interested in picking a common date for nationwide protests, and decided on today, Tax Day, as the date. As I write this, various Web sites tracking tea parties are predicting anywhere between 300 and 500 protests at cities around the world. A Google Map tracking planned events, maintained at the Web site, shows the United States covered by red circles, with new events being added every day.

The movement grew so fast that some bloggers at the Playboy Web site -- apparently unaware that we've entered the 21st century -- suggested that some secret organization must be behind all of this. But, in fact, today's technology means you don't need an organization, secret or otherwise, to get organized. After considerable ridicule, the claim was withdrawn, but that hasn't stopped other media outlets from echoing it.

I'm sick of the lies and the ridicule.


This is truly a grassroots movement. It's not driven by political parties, but by a desire for a change in policy.

...There are no national rules, and organizers of each protest are doing things the way they want. And that's the good news and the bad news for Democrats. It's not a big Republican effort. It's a big popular effort. But a mass movement of ordinary people who don't feel that their voices are being heard doesn't bode well for the party that positioned itself as the organ of hope and change.

Will these flash crowds be a flash in the pan? It's possible that people who demonstrate today will find that experience cathartic enough -- or exhausting enough -- that that will be it. But it's more likely that the tea-party movement will have an impact on the 2010 and 2012 elections, and perhaps beyond.

What's most striking about the tea-party movement is that most of the organizers haven't ever organized, or even participated, in a protest rally before. General disgust has drawn a lot of people off the sidelines and into the political arena, and they are already planning for political action after today.

...This influx of new energy and new talent is likely to inject new life into small-government politics around the nation. The mainstream Republican Party still seems limp and disorganized. This grassroots effort may revitalize it. Or the tea-party movement may lead to a new third party that may replace the GOP, just as the GOP replaced the fractured and hapless Whigs.

Who knows where we'll go from here?

The point of the Tea Parties isn't to rejuvenate the Republican Party, though that may happen.

And I don't think a viable third party will grow out of the Movement.

I hope that today Americans are reminded that we control the government. It belongs to us. It exists for us -- of the people, by the people, for the people.

We have power.

If the Tea Parties achieve that, the demonstrations will be successful in my view.


Anonymous said...

How silly. You are protesting an increase of of taxes by 3% for those who make over $250,000 a year. The middle class won't get any increases. The tea party is corporate sponsored and the only people involved are the people who watch Fox news. If you wanted to protest against the government, why not do it when our rights were in danger during the Bush Administration? Why not protest their disregard for the Constitution. You are protesting and you don't even know what you are poresting against. It is embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

What's embarassing is the useful idiots buying hook line an sinker the snake oil that Obama is selling. If Obama is sucessful they will find out soon enough that they are simply a peasant and have no chance of being a part of the ruling class. But, they'll still blame Bush.

Mary said...

It's embarrassing and pathetic that Leftists feel the need to attack and degrade rather than engage in debate.