Monday, June 15, 2009

Gitmo Inmates Loving Bermuda

"Give me your released, your inmates,
Your Guantanamo prisoners yearning to swim free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming Gitmo.
Send these, the detainees, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside Bermuda's door!"



Beware beautiful islands, your residents and visitors!

The Obama administration just may be "resettling" Gitmo detainees on your shores without the knowledge of your government officials.

Oops! I guess not everyone is happy with what Obama has done.

From Toby Harden, the Telegraph:

David Miliband has telephoned Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, to express the government's disappointment at the deal.

British officials were informed the four Chinese Uighurs were heading to the United Kingdom's oldest dependency only as they boarded their plane for Bermuda on Wednesday night.

A British diplomat said: "The Foreign Secretary registered his surprise. It was a regrettable mistake. Bermuda, the UK and the US now need to work together to fix it and make sure it doesn't happen again."

A senior State Department official said this diplomatic understatement masked a real anger over the Obama administration's oversight among British officials, telling ABC News: "They're pissed".

Oh, no. The Obama administration has pissed off one of our greatest allies, the British.

They must be losing patience with Obama.

...The State Department denied it had bypassed Britain but admitted that it dealt directly with Bermuda, a territory under the sovereignty of the UK, which is responsible for foreign policy and security.

Ian Kelly, State Department spokesman, said: "We understand that there are some concerns about some of the details of the resettlement, and we're confident that we can work these things through with the government of the UK."

The State Department did bypass Britain if it directly dealt with Bermuda.
Britain's anger is directed principally at Ewart Brown, the Bermudan premier. But the UK's responsibility for the security of Bermuda is well known to US diplomats and the decision to ignore this could be a sign of diminished British clout in Washington.

I don't think this Gitmo inmate situation should be taken as a sign of "diminished British clout in Washington."

It's just another sign of the Obama administration's arrogance and incompetence.

The British shouldn't feel slighted.

U.S. citizens have diminished clout in Washington, too.

Some U.S. citizens are also pissed.


Some locals are concerned.


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