Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Al Franken and Mark Levin

Yesterday, Mark Levin shared a spot-on assessment of Al Franken and the U.S. Senate.

MARK LEVIN: And then there's this buffoon who represents Saturday Night Live.

When I saw him on the Senate Judiciary Committee, it finally hit me. This is the worst damn Senate in modern history. Really. I don't know how much lower it can get. Who's next? What other idiots are the Democrats going to impose on us, ACORN and the rest?

Al Franken is a United States senator. Now all you whiners out there who are complaining that you can't make it, if this good-for-nothing, no talent can be a U.S. senator, so can you.

Levin goes on to say that "all those years of snorting cocaine have taken an effect."

I don't know how much Franken's long history of illicit drug use has to do with his current intellectual state, but it is hard for me to comprehend that he is a U.S. senator.

The image of Franken at Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation hearing was surreal.

Minnesota, how could you?

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