Thursday, August 20, 2009

Obama's Secret Drug Deal with Big Pharma

The honeymoon is over, really over.

Some liberals are disillusioned by Obama's lies, broken promises, and dirty deals.

During a discussion on Air America, the C-word was actually used to describe Obama -- CHENEY.

It happened when Christiane Brown was sitting in for Richard Greene on "Clout." Her guest was Greg Palast.

The topic was Obama's secret big drug deal with Big Pharma.

Read about the deal in the Los Angeles Times, "Obama gives powerful drug lobby a seat at healthcare table."

In a 2008 campaign ad, candidate Obama slammed pharmaceutical lobbyist Billy Tauzin, the guy Obama administration officials shook hands with to seal the backroom deal.

Regarding shady deals in Washington, Obama said to the American people during the campaign, "I don't want to learn how to play the game better. I want to put an end to the game playing."

Apparently, Obama has had a dramatic change of heart about Tauzin.

Since the election, Tauzin has morphed into the president's partner. He has been invited to the White House half a dozen times in recent months. There, he says, he eventually secured an agreement that the administration wouldn't try to overturn the very Medicare drug policy that Obama had criticized on the campaign trail.

"The White House blessed it," Tauzin said.

Once again, Obama's true colors are revealed, with Obama being nothing like the president he promised to be.
GREG PALAST: It makes me puke that we've just been 'Cheneyed' by a guy named Barack Obama, who said he would never do this. It would be on C-SPAN, and it wasn't on C-SPAN. And rather than fess up and say, 'I did the wrong thing. I had secret negotiation,' even with a guy he said he would never talk to, Billy Tauzin. It was very, it was like every, every line was crossed.

Christiane Brown noted that Obama has a special skill.
CHRISTIANE BROWN: He's such a charming liar though. He's such a nice guy when he lies like that.

Palast isn't feeling the Obama charm.
PALAST: In the next ten years according to the Obama administration's own figures, we will spend $3.6 trillion, that's with a "tr," $3.6 trillion on prescription drugs. $80 billion off $3.6 trillion is 2.2 percent.

Two percent, Mr. Obama. That's why you violated the law, violated...broke your campaign promises, had secret Cheney-like meetings in your bunker with the creepy drug company lobbyists.

I'm wondering..., I'm going to put this..., I'm going to say something that I, should light up your lines.


PALAST: What if the people out there screaming and breaking up the discussion at town meetings are correct? What if, what if we have a situation in which you have secret meetings being held by the president, the absolute fascist nightmare? Because fascism is defined as government combining with corporate powers to impose their profit-making regime on you.

This is not good for Obama.

Even Obama's supporters are ticked off at the corruption of the Obama White House.

Palast wants to puke.

Saying that Obama is acting like Dick Cheney is one of the strongest insults a Leftist can hurl.

So Obama has to contend with most Americans being opposed to his health care policies, many fiercely opposed. He also has to deal with the wrath of his supporters.

What a mess!


Video, from Breitbart.

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