Thursday, August 20, 2009

Letterman, Sarah Palin, Squeaky Fromme

David Letterman's obsession with Sarah Palin continues.

DAVID LETTERMAN: Squeaky Fromme... Do you know who Squeaky Fromme is? Former member of the Manson family and in the '70s tried to assassinate President Gerald Ford.

Well, she's been let out of prison. She's been paroled. And it was determined by the parole board that she was no longer a threat to Gerald Ford, so she's out. I don't know. You tell me.

But, I mean, it's interesting. She's out of prison and she'd been in prison a long time and what she did was a horrible, horrible crime. But now she's out, and so you think, 'Well, what will this chapter in her life bring?' I mean, is she going to get a job? I mean, what is she going to do? Is she going to start dating? I mean, come on.

If you think about it, there aren't many jobs for unstable, gun-toting women, unless she wants to run for governor of Alaska.

I'd like to apologize for that joke.

I'm sorry, Squeaky.

I don't think it's right for Letterman to compare Sarah Palin with Squeaky Fromme, Manson family member and attempted assassin of President Ford.

If someone at a town hall meeting shows up with a picture of Obama with a Hitler mustache, the world stops.

But Letterman, a much more powerful individual than attendees at town hall meetings, can use his network TV show to call Palin an unstable, gun-toting woman and compare her to Squeaky Fromme.

And the Leftists laugh.


Anonymous said...

People laugh because it's funny.

Right wing supporters cringe because they know that Sarah Palin is the best they have. The sad part is that the "true believers" don't recognize that she's unstable, and unfit for public office.

There's no comparison between Letterman's joke and the ignorant people who compare Obama to Hitler. Sarah Palin was an unstable, gun-toting, Governor of Alaska.

President Obama has shown no traits remotely similar to those of Adolf Hitler. Any such comparison exists only in the fantasy world of ignorant minds who would be led by false prophets and Faux News reports.

The debate is Health care. It's broken. It needs to be fixed. Yet, rather than joining in an honest discussion, some want to shout and yell without understanding what they're yelling about.

I may not like the final health care reform proposal when it finally passes. But, something is needed. We go bankrupt without it. It sure would be nice to have an honest debate over a long-term strategy, rather than typical politicians thinking only of the next election cycle.

Deo said...

Lighten up, it´s funny...Sarah Palin IS funny!