Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Leno: Barney Frank, 10@10 (Video)

On Monday, Barney Frank participated in a segment called "10@10" on The Jay Leno Show.

Leno has guests answer ten questions.

Frank answered the questions remotely. He videotaped outside in Washington, DC, with the Capitol as the backdrop.

As usual, Frank was snarky and offensive and mean-spirited.


JAY LENO: Question number one - What is your favorite show on TV?

BARNEY FRANK: The Sopranos because I grew up in Bayonne, New Jersey, and it makes me very nostalgic.

LENO: Oh, well, well, you're working in Congress. I can see, yeah, OK. All right. Question number two - Do your best celebrity impression.

FRANK: Henny Youngman. And my favorite line, and it guides me in my work in Congress, 'How's your wife?' 'Compared to what?'

LENO: Well, there you go. Well.

FRANK: Now that's a good one to be able to do 'cuz he's been dead...

For the third question, Frank had to name all the presidents back to FDR in a limited amount of time. There was a clock ticking off the seconds. Frank completed the task.


LENO: Yes, very good. Very impressive. Here's a tricky one, question number four - If you had to have dinner with one of the following political conservatives, which one would you choose: Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter?

FRANK: I couldn't do Yom Kippur on this one, huh?


FRANK: I guess of the three I would take Rush Limbaugh because it would be very painful, and he would come with the painkillers, which he always has.

(Applause, some groans)

LENO: (Makes the sounds of a cat) All right. Question number five - Have you ever asked a celebrity for an autograph and explain who and why?

FRANK: Yeah, I did actually about, I think it's been about forty, no about, almost, uh, forty-five years ago, I asked Bill Russell, the Celtics great, for an autograph. I didn't realize he didn't like to sign them. I have a much younger brother and I wanted to get him Bill Russell's autograph. But Bill Russell didn't sign autographs so, uh, I didn't get it.

LENO: And that was it. That was the last one.

FRANK: That was the last one. I was scarred by that, and I'm not one of these guys who says, 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.' I don't succeed, boom, I'm outta there.


LENO: Wow, wow, that's a... Yeah, that's a...

FRANK: I have a low tolerance for failure.

LENO: ...a good lesson for our young people. All right.

FRANK: Absolutely. It's late. They should be in bed now.

LENO: Question number six - Last thing you said to a president, any president, you wish you could take back.

FRANK: This is true. 'Don't worry, Mr. Clinton, they don't have the guts to impeach you.'

(Groans, Applause)

LENO: Wow.

FRANK: Wait. In fairness to me, I told him after, not before.

LENO: Question number seven - If you could have a super power, any power, what would it be and why?

FRANK: Oh, easy. It would be the ability to eat as much as I want and not gain weight.

LENO: Wow.

FRANK: Diet Man.


LENO: Diet Man. All right, number eight - If you could kick one politician out of office, who would it be?

FRANK: The guy who's now the governor of Alaska, 'cuz I miss Sarah Palin.

(Laughter, applause)

LENO: Number nine - If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be and where would you put it?

FRANK: It would, the tattoo would say, 'Your Name,' and I would have it on my tongue. So, when I ran into someone who was angry that I didn't remember them, I could say, 'Oh, but your name is on the tip of my tongue.'


LENO: Oh, all right. All right, back to Henny Youngman, last question, the most telling question of all, number ten - The last time you went skinny-dipping.

FRANK: Well, I was in Palm Springs in a very private pool. My boyfriend and I were out there doing a fundraiser, and it was a very secluded spot, and we didn't see any helicopters so we went into the pool.

LENO: And hopefully there were no photos?

FRANK: I... well... no. I hope there weren't. Maybe of him it wouldn't be so bad, of me not until I become [unintelligble].

I really hope there were no photos.

I don't think it's appropriate for a U.S. congressman to be on national TV talking about romping around, skinny-dipping with his significant other in a "very secluded spot."

Good grief. Way, WAY too much information.

It's not as if Frank told a story of skinny-dipping when he was a little kid. This was creepy.

Frank's shot at Rush Limbaugh was absolutely inexcusable. Talk about vitriol and incivility!

His shot at Sarah Palin was also uncalled for.

I think Leno's "10@10" segment is awkward and a waste of time.

Who's idea was it to book Barney Frank?

One thing about Leno being on in prime time and potentially reaching a broader audience, more people will be exposed to all the Leftist cheerleading that makes up so much of the monologues and other comedy bits.

When Rush Limbaugh is Leno's guest later this week, I wonder how it would go over if Limbaugh joked about Frank paying Steve Gobie for sex, and a prostitution service being operated out of Frank's home in DC.

Why should it be considered funny that Limbaugh struggled with drug addiction, but Frank's illegal activities aren't used as fodder for laughs?


Pucking About said...

sorry but I disagree. He was witty and funny. Normally potlicians are really mean and bitter and i felt he was coming from a place of good humoured ribbing at his colleagues.

On Sarah Palin he wants her back because no matter how you put it she is an embarrassment to the republican party. Individually she is capable and a decent person. When she stepped up into a bigger role, she failed. Brutally she would dish it out and not take it back. Shes a good target so real republicans can fly under the radar work with the democrats and get some work done.

Rush regularly attacks Barney Frank. Even in his younger junior congressman days, besides the implications was that both would be taking painkillers because they disagree on so much stuff

Also Leno has asked worse things of his guests. A lot worse. Besides Barney was honest at a private pool that was secluded, he and his partner went skinny dipping. Just like most couple would do if they had private pool and knew they wouldn't get caught.

Im a Meghan McCain Republican and I agree that we need to stop pandering to the extremists and work the middle. Go back to basics. No more Values votes, true rebulicanism, small govt, good governance and listening to rule of law

Mary said...

I think it was mean and bitter, not witty and funny, to say what he did about Limbaugh.

There was nothing good-humored about it.

Pucking About said...

Rush has a pill problem, this is common knowledge. Its not hidden, just like Bush did Coke and Clinton toked. Glen Beck was an alcoholic, Ralph klein was a drunk for most f his tenure, Imus smoked and drank. They all taked about this, their open with it. Just like Rush cracks jokes at Barney sexuality, he cracke da joke back about his pill usuage. The major difference being Rush is prescribed them. He is still an addict, he says so. Barney cracked a joke about it, it was funny, a joke about a politician by a politician on a late night talk show. its not like this was 60minutes or Meet the Press. Thats where it would be inappropriate

Mary said...

Frank did not take the high road.

How are things at Widener?

Mary said...

How are things at Widener?