Thursday, September 24, 2009

NEA Scrubs Website of Health Care Partisan References

Big Hollywood reports that the NEA is trying to cover its tracks on being involved in pushing Obama's government-run health care agenda.

John Nolte has the screen shots to prove that there was a whole lot of scrubbing going on.

It appears that the Obama White House sees this matter as a serious problem, or they wouldn't be acting so quickly, essentially proving that it acted improperly.

With this scandal, the Obama White House can't distance itself from it like the ACORN scandal.

This was team Obama, the White House, directly involved in questionable/illegal activity. This wasn't a satellite, like ACORN, that can be left twisting in the wind.

Nolte writes:

Is this how our government works? Without a word, the NEA, an agency that survives off our hard-earned tax dollars, is just allowed to disappear a direct link to a 501(c)(3) organization (started with a grant from the NEA!) that until yesterday seemed to exist only for the sole purpose of violating the very first law of a 501(c)(3)?

Every desperate artist looking to the NEA for practical health insurance guidance was told to shill for health care reform (the NEA didn’t even have the decency to recommend they dial 9-1-1 in case of emergency) and the only consequence is that someone whose salary is paid for by our tax dollars had to set aside the shovel they were leaning on or put down the Crucifix they were about to dip in piss or pull the bullwhip out of their butt long enough to give some bureaucrat an order to “memory-hole” this stuff?

Or maybe this is Yosi Sergant’s new job. He was “reassigned” as the new NEA Compliance Officer and runs around with a clipboard covered in Obama Hope stickers, the Chairman’s factless Fact Sheet, and strict orders to erase everything before the mainstream media learns how to feel shame again.

Overnight *blink* gone — as though we’re going to forget.

We're not going to forget, because what's posted on the Internet is FOREVER.

Scrubbing doesn't destroy the dirt. The stain is permanent.

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