Monday, October 5, 2009

Cokie Roberts: Roman Polanski

Cokie Roberts left absolutely no doubt that she believes Roman Polanski should be held accountable for his crimes, and he should be shown no mercy. She contrasts what Polanski did to a 13-year-old girl with what David Letterman did with his staffers.

COKIE ROBERTS: Well, they're very different from each other. I mean, I think that the David Letterman situation is not a good situation. You know, there's inherent power imbalance in a boss versus his employees. But Roman Polanski is a criminal. You know, he raped and drugged and raped and sodomized a child; and then was a fugitive from justice.

As far as I'm concerned, just take him out and shoot him.


Is this the sort of rhetoric that has Nancy Pelosi so troubled? Is this the sort of stuff Pelosi finds so frightening? Does this language create a climate that fosters violence?


jill said...

Cokie is speaking from the heart.
Linked to you.

Mary said...

Right. Usually, rapists of children don't get much sympathy and with good reason.

It's incomprehensible to me that some people believe Polanski shouldn't have to pay for his crimes.

They live by a very twisted morality.